Looking up at the sky in shock, "this day is fickle and this day is reversible"

It’s incredible. It’s incredible. The stunning woman is actually a Jiuding body, but it’s also a Jiuding gathering body. It’s vaguely felt that the nine cauldrons and cauldrons gather around the woman as if they formed a large array and merged into the female body.
Imperial day step forward slowly walked towards the woman.
Female strange curious stare at the sky "who are you?"
The woman asked, even with a strange yellow pet in her arms, staring at the imperial heaven with caution.
"I am Yutian and you are Xiaoli!"
Yu Tian remembers that this woman is Li. It is said that nine days Xuan Nv shed goddess tears and turned them into stunning women to save the world. Li was transformed by goddess tears.
Xiaoli is the goddess’ tears. She has an unusual life experience and an unusual mission. She destroys the gods and demons’ contact with Chiyou and Loulan.
God knows everything with a little pity in his heart. "Maybe the goddess tears are just a tragedy and a sad story …"
It’s like feeling sorry for Li’s death and feeling sorry for Li’s sadness.
At this moment, the imperial heavenly heart rises to limit the desire to protect, or has decided to protect the present woman.
Xiao Li was surprised that the pet in his arms was even more puzzled, as if the pet could comfort himself. Xiao Li didn’t understand that Imperial Heaven knew everything, but it’s a pity that Imperial Heaven’s big hand had leaned out.
Suddenly, a dark golden light appeared, and the royal body suddenly gushed out of nine cauldrons.
Xiaoli’s pupil enlargement instantly turned into surprise. "This is Jiuding Yu Wang Jiuding! What are you doing? "
Nine cauldrons emerged, and the virtual shadows turned into meteors and poured into Xiaoli’s body.
"Bang … bang …"
Just like a beating heart, Li suddenly stepped back and felt that her body was more relaxed.
"Jiuding body is a peerless physique, and now nine cauldrons converge into one, which means that you are Jiuding convergence, but the nine cauldrons of Jiuding body converge into one. This kind of physique is simply against the sky."
Imperial heaven told Xiaoli that she was also shocked. Xiaoli didn’t know that her physique was now influenced by the Imperial Apocalypse.
"I don’t know what you do, but my body feels relaxed. Thank you for your help."
Xiao Li doesn’t understand that just because Xiao Li hasn’t been exposed to many martial arts, Xiao Li is transformed by the tears of the goddess. Once this force breaks out, Xiao Li’s physique can’t bear it, and eventually Xiao Li will turn into a fly ash. Maybe that’s why Xiao Li disappeared in the original work.
Now the Imperial Apocalypse Xiaoli Jiuding has been able to bear this force in her body. The body is naturally relaxed and there is a kind of clarity and nature.
Before the Imperial Heaven stepped forward, "The power of the goddess’ tears caused the body to be depressed. Now, if you remove this power, your body will naturally relax. After practicing according to this skill, you can gradually master this power and refine it. The power of the goddess’ tears will not disappear forever!"
Imperial heaven pointed to Xiaoli, and Xiaoli felt a force, but also felt an achievement method.
Xiao Li was shocked and surprised to stare at the beating in the imperial heart, which attracted Xiao Li to wonder, "What is so good for me? It’s a strange feeling. I like it very much and I’m afraid. Thank you for helping me. I have to finish it myself. "
Xiao Li said that he had already rushed to the distance and disappeared in an instant.
"What a silly girl to finish her mission!"
Imperial day shook his head and turned to look aside leitian.
White got up and was in a coma next to him. Every day, he got Long Mai and Long Mai. He was hiding in his belly. Now he followed Xiaoli and went to Loulan.
In this way, the sky is of no benefit.
Imperial heaven with the wave "Nie Gai will bring the sky back".
Pale and stiff, Nie Gai slowly left with the sky.
Yutian stepped forward and said indifferently, "The ancient country of Loulan is really looking forward to it. I hope we can gain a lot this time!"
In a word, Yutian has gone to the desert, followed by Leitian. "Don’t worry about Loulanxing. I’d like to see the so-called Chiyou Sword."
"The Chiyou sword cuts off thousands of heads, so-called thousands of magic weapons, but tens of millions of them, even the core destruction is really exciting."
Yutian strode forward, and an exquisite dragon boat emerged. Yutian went to the dragon boat and looked at the desert in the distance or drove rapidly.
Leitian looked around curiously with his hands on his chest. "Chiyou sword is Chiyou sword. No matter how strong a sword is, it is people who will master it. But this sword contains a lot of suffocation!"
Shaqi is not murderous. Especially Chiyou Jian contains Shaqi, which is even more unusual. The Imperial Heaven shook his head. "I will look forward to the power of this magic weapon."
With a wave of his hand, Yu Tian said, "Go quickly!"
In a flash, the wind suddenly blows, and the dragon boat is extremely fast. The bow of Yutian stares at the golden desert around it. "Loulan!"
Chapter 5 Loulan
Loulan land is a secret land.
In the desert, the yellow sand hides the secrets that no one knows.
The dragon boat slowly drives into a dark desert passage, which is the entrance of Loulan, which is also the secret territory.
Suddenly, the dragon flies in the sky for nine days, and Jinsha turns into a dragon, which contains the dragon’s coercion.
"Ang …"
The dragon roar suddenly rushed to the dragon boat.
Scarlet eyes show murder. "Little ants dare to call themselves dragons."
Blood-red sword light emerged, and a sword fell around, and it was shattered and eventually turned into a golden sand.

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