It took a long time for the voice inside to say again, "Did you really find a way to live a fruit tree? Can there be a certificate? "

"Hum? Don’t you believe it? " Yu Yilie cold hum an impatient said seems to don’t want to more about it.
"It’s no wonder that Zhang heard that the method of fruit trees is believed in you, but if what you say is true, Zhang can pay a lot of money for this news from you, and everyone can tell you if you want to know," said the man in the house suddenly with some eagerness.
"Hey, hey, it’s true, of course, but if you can succeed easily and plant it in large quantities, don’t think about it. People also accidentally find something that can keep the Tianling fruit tree from dying from the demon domain, and it can also bear fruit and ripen quickly depending on the fruit cycle!" Yu Yilie hey hey smile tone mysterious said
"What is it?" The back door suddenly hit a figure in a black robe and instantly came to him and asked.
Yu Yilie suddenly a surprised hurriedly took two steps back to see no further before stopping and looking at this guy with a dignified look.
A big black robe covered his figure, even his whole head. He couldn’t see what he looked like, and he wasn’t sure whether he was a man or a woman.
"Why? Don’t you show some sincerity if you want to know what this thing is? " Yu Yilie eyes narrowed light said
"oh? Is also the seat should take out some sincerity to "black people light said 1.
Immediately, the black man suddenly felt black and the door of the stone house was full of black gas. Suddenly, the light balls in the house suddenly danced around the Yi Lie black man.
"What do you mean?" Yu Yilie’s heart was shocked and angry. Maybe this guy wants to practice his hand in the city? !
"You may not know that you need an idea now, and these light balls can kill you at any time. Although I don’t know what that thing is, I do know that you are sure, right? Now I’ll give you two choices: I’ll give you the information you want, and I’ll even give you an instrument to get the stone dragon marrow, so you can give it to me; Second, even if people don’t say it, you should know, right? " Black people light said
Smell speech Yu Yilie face a rain or shine, he is really careless. I knew that even if the equivalent was exchanged, it would not make this person have a bad heart.
This guy doesn’t know him at all. He is also a monk in the later period of the building foundation. Judging from this guy’s previous claim to be a seat, it is very likely that he is a monk in Zhendan.
I didn’t expect this humble little place to hide such a powerful guy!
Eye situation, he obviously has no choice but to take out the red ball in the bag and give it to this guy.
"I choose the first one."
"Ha ha good! It’s not difficult to be a wise man who knows the time. It’s amazing that you are your discovery! Show sincerity, I will give you now! " Black people immediately exultation.
Immediately, I saw that he reached out his hand for a move and a half, and two balls of light fell into his hand. Then the black man took out a gray cloak as thin as cicada’s wings from the bag.
Gave three things to Yu Yilie, and he looked at Yu Yilie with dribbling, waiting for his article.
Face a rain or shine uncertain finally escape fierce or took out the latosolic red ball from the bag.
Where do you think that when Yu Yilie appeared in the stone house with a red sphere in his hand, the red sphere suddenly released a dazzling ratio of red mans!
"Red Yang zhu! !” Black people suddenly surprised anger than repeatedly retreat at the same time stretched out his hand to block the red mans.
Chapter two hundred and fifty Black fog cloak
This kind of penis, which is naturally condensed by absorbing the essence of the sun, is naturally very restrained to those who practice Yin-cold.
Although the black man is a fake monk in Dan’s territory, he still has some fears when he sees the red pearl.
It is natural that these light balls around are refined from the soul of the black-robed monster beast. Although it looks very normal, it contains a strong yin and evil spirit. In this environment, the red sun beads will naturally release energy consciously.
But this black man is obviously not a vegetarian. After he reacts, he quickly fuels mana and injects it into the light ball around him.
Around all the light balls, a bit of rich black gas suddenly emerged, and then they were connected to form a shady package, and they did not enter the package themselves.
Seeing this, Yu Yilie couldn’t help but reveal a bit embarrassing color in his eyes and then said lightly, "What does this mean? Don’t you want this bead? "
"Xiao immediately wraps this pearl, and then you can get out of here, or you won’t leave here if you change your mind," said the man in black.
"Of course, but predecessors can tell what this bead is? Does the elder look a little scared? " Yu Yilie calm mouth said
"Hum shouldn’t ask don’t ask this thing but and uniting the achievement method! It’s no big deal, "said the black man, who was suddenly impatient.
Seeing this, Yu Yilie couldn’t help but frown and didn’t give a full warning. He can’t force this suspected true Dan to tell the origin of this red pearl, can he?
But there is no eye. He has got what he wants, and he has a chance to look through ancient books and find out the origin of this thing after he knows its name.
At this time, there is no need to deal with this mysterious guy again. Even if this red pearl is a great treasure, his loss is just one.
I don’t know how many fire jade things are, so it’s not too late to explore them after he’s upgraded.
So thinking about Yu Yilie just put his mind to say, "If so, I won’t bother my predecessors, but it’s better for me to rest assured that my predecessors will fight against Shimen first."
Black people smell speech, their eyes narrowed, thinking about this little thing, and they didn’t know what it was, but when they got it by chance, they beat the law and Shimen with a wave of their sleeves.
At the sight of this, Yu Yilie also readily wrapped the chichiyangzhujin cloth, put it on the ground and quickly left here.
And equal to escape from the black talents carefully before holding the bead in their hands and looking at it in front.
But he didn’t lift the brocade cloth silently.
"It’s never wrong that this thing is condensed by the absorption of the essence of the poor sun by Chiyangzhu. I still have such restraint. Wouldn’t it be worse for those souls who have lost their bodies! If you want me to refine it into a utensil, wouldn’t it be twice the result with half the effort if I went into the ghost domain to catch powerful ghosts? " The black man muttered to himself that the light in his eyes was getting brighter and brighter.
After Yu Yilie returned to the stone house, he was too lazy to think about whether the black man got the pearl to try to plant the celestial fruit tree or to be him.
At this time, he is looking at the specific information of Wan Bat Cave and thinking about how to get the stone dragon pulp so that he can refine Zhujidan.
The entrance of Wanbat Cave is located in a low hill, which looks unremarkable and occupies a very large area. However, it is difficult to see people and animals in Fiona Fang for a hundred miles. Only the animal bones on the ground have been wiped out by bats foraging at night.
However, the cave passage is like a maze, where bats are gathered. Almost every small group of bats has a second-order leader. At night, they organize to fly to all directions to hunt.
The best time for a race to sneak in is at night, when the number of cave bats is the least, and even if there is one, it will not pose a big threat.
That guy gave him a detailed record of the jade slips, even the topographic map of Wan Bat Cave was recorded in detail, but the quickest way to the cave was the most marginal fork in the road, which made Yu Yilie feel a little surprised.
I want to come here. These detailed information are also the ones who have done it in the Hundred Elites Corps. Where did that guy exchange his information, but he got the exchange?
There is even a general topographic map of karst caves in it, but it vaguely records the general topography near stalactites in that ten thousand years.
After checking all the information, Yu Yilie picked up another jade slip and leaned into the consciousness to check it up.
This is what the guy called the way to get stalactites and leave.
It is recorded on the surface that the true Dan monster beast is a second-order pangolin. When digging a hole for food, I found this cave, and later I found the stone dragon pulp, where I cast my nest and grew into a fifth-order shining golden beast.
But this guy is very water-averse. Unfortunately, where is the karst cave, there is another underground river that can directly reach the periphery of Yaomoyu.
But those who used to do it all escaped from the underground river after getting the marrow of the stone dragon.
And the black man gave him a way to make the cloak of black fog avoid the detection of the golden beast.
I think it’s the semi-transparent cloak that the black man gave him earlier. It is said that this cloak can conjure up a faint black fog to cover the body and avoid the exploration of gods, making it easy to ignore the past.
Another weakness of this shining golden beast is that its eyesight has deteriorated for many years, and it relies on demon soul perception to catch prey.
And with this black fog cloak, it’s much easier to get the stone dragon marrow.
Spiritual knowledge withdrew from the jade slips, and Yu Yilie couldn’t help but pick it up and put aside a semi-transparent black cloak to check it out.

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