The words sound just fell around strategist with a full face of unwilling to call way …

"No, general, we haven’t lost …"
"Judging from the battlefield situation just now, this firearms unit is a group of recruits and its strength is limited … If we want to eat their whole Korean territory, there will be no more troops that can threaten us …"
Aobai eyes a bright consciousness mouth asked "strategist, what do you think …"
"Continue to attack and destroy them. We attack Pyongyang and clear the last obstacle …"
At this time, Aobai’s face was dignified and quickly disappeared and was covered by a trace of heartfelt confidence.
Shouted at the side …
"Well, in that case, we will destroy the only firearms unit in North Korea …"
Say that finish a face of serious ao bai directly mouth ordered "strategist take out our remaining grenade department … shield cover at all costs close to the north Korean army positions grenades killed their department …"
Soon, a new round of attack will be launched.
At the same time, the North Korean New Army Musketeers, who also lost four or five hundred people, were once again taken to the city wall to prepare for a counterattack …
With the dull musket shooting, the battlefield sounded, and the attack troops repeated the attack they had just experienced.
And the new Korean army defending the earthen wall is constantly having musketeers fall to the battlefield …
However, in the face of more and more heavy losses, Tatar still has no intention of retreating after successfully rushing to 40 paces.
Hold the shield and continue to attack.
However, they are hiding behind the shield, and their other hand is not cold for the time being. They have changed their grenades.
When they reach thirty paces, they can throw grenades at the earth wall with their arms.
There are more than 300 people left. They will directly set aside one person’s high shield and make room for another hand to take out the fire and light the Grenade matchrope, and then throw it out with all their strength …
In the face of sudden changes, not only the North Korean new army musketeers, but also the Zhongdan officer Tiger and Leopard Army were shocked.
Shocked, I couldn’t help but exclaim, "The grenade Tatar was equipped with a grenade, but also made it crazy during the attack …"
Chapter six hundred and sixty Bad situation
Although the Tiger and Leopard Army actually had the experience of fighting in attack after being equipped with grenades, it was all because the opponents were suppressed by themselves without firearms.
Whether it is later generations or when grenades are mostly defensive.
And in front of me, Tatars dare to attack grenades when they have no advantage.
Don’t they know that if the new Korean army can be equipped with muskets, it must be equipped with grenades …
North Korea’s new army is commanding to defend the earth wall. Will grenades be thrown further in the hands of North Korea’s new army …
However, it was the first time that the tiger and leopard troops in the new Korean army were shocked and dispersed.
Looking at his head getting closer and closer, the Grenade exclaimed …
"Grenades are grenades … horse grenades to fight back …"
"Still stare blankly? The horse throws the Grenade out of the city head and must not let the Grenade earth wall explode.
Due to the technical limitations of this era, whether the Tiger and Leopard Army equipped grenades or the imperial court and the late Jin Dynasty imitated them, they all ignited the gunpowder loaded with grenades through a long matchrope and exploded.
And this creates a limitation.
In order to ensure that grenades can make a long rope of fire, it often takes several seconds more than ten seconds to burn before igniting gunpowder.
And that’s why the Tiger and Leopard Army lit the grenade and held it for a few seconds before throwing it out.
Only after such a grenade lands can it explode in a short time.
Otherwise, if the opponent’s reaction speed is fast, it is possible to pick up the Grenade when it hits the ground, and throw the Grenade that has not yet exploded …
At present, although Tatar is equipped with grenades, he has not mastered how to make him best.
This will give the Korean New Army a chance to reduce casualties and fight back.
As soon as the command roared out from the mouth of the tiger and leopard army officers around him, some soldiers of the North Korean New Army who had seen the great power of grenades quickly picked up the grenades that fell at their feet and threw them back to the Tatars dozens of steps away.
Just after these grenades came to Tatar’s head, some matchsticks were a little shorter, and many grenades exploded …
Of course, although the response speed of the Korean New Army is very fast, they are a recruit who has just been exposed to firearms for half a month.
There was still a lot of white smoke grenades in a panic wall, but they didn’t throw them out, and then the earth wall filled with the Korean New Army exploded and blew up more than a dozen Fiona Fang-based residential areas.
However, when the Grenade exploded, it was not blown into the hands of the North Korean army, and the musket had become a Grenade.
Facing the constant explosions around them, facing the death and screams at hand, although they are afraid, their hearts are full of fear.
However, the officers of Tiger and Leopard Army threatened to bite their teeth and insisted on not running for their lives.
I have shaken my hands, lit grenades, and then threw them at the attacking troops of Tatar.
So this scene appeared on the scene.
The explosion sounded and the instantaneous soil wall continued, and the gun stopped directly.
And then grenades, you come, I fly to the enemy and me, and then it falls, and there is an explosion in the dense crowd …
After all, there are more than 2,000 people in the Korean New Army, which has a high advantage and can throw grenades further.

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