What makes these star services shine is the ordinary soldiers who are unknown behind them. Many soldiers have no chance to see the enemy with their own eyes. They have no pleasure in picking up weapons and dumping ammunition at the target, but without them, the sophisticated war machine will never work.

Although it is the end of September, the weather in Poland is still very hot, especially when doing some heavy physical labor. Two bomber squadron ground crew members are carrying out a careful inspection of the bombs piled up on one side of the runway.
These ground crew members are the kind of military service that young people don’t like very much. In terms of the nature of their work, they are the so-called porters and statisticians. But without these ground crew members, those advanced fighters have become a pile of scrap iron. Although they have never been favored, the training and supplement of military ground crew members have always been personally urged by the Fuehrer to carry out by General Catherine.
Not far from the venue, three bare-chested ground crews will hang the bomb for a while and then attack the wing of the d217 bomber. This bomber is now the only medium bomber equipped in Germany. Although it is strictly required to wear protection and pay attention to the military appearance, most ground crews still choose to take off their clothes and work because of the hot weather and tedious work.
The d217 bomber improved its own protective system and equipped with three powerful 13mm caliber machine guns. This powerful armed equipment made the d217 bomber face the Polish plane with ease. The German army saved fuel and once cancelled the escort of the fw19d fighter accompanying the bomber.
From their achievements, we can see how great the advantage of the German army is. The d217 bomber shot down 29 Polish fighters in the Polish war, and only 17 of them were lost, and six of the losses were made by Polish fighters.
A fighter runway with Mickey Mouse fw19d painted on its nose glided for a while, and finally the end stopped. The pilot got out of the cockpit of the plane and several ground crew members hurried forward to help the pilot. He took off his leather hat with goggles and threw it to a ground officer with a wry smile. "It’s great that you adjusted the horizontal rudder for me! My wingman will come back later, and we will treat you to champagne together. "
"Garland! How many more have you called today? " The ground officer caught Garland’s hat and laughed. "You want to send me away after a meal of wine? That won’t do! You have to give me two packs of cigarettes less. "
Garland took off his parachute bag to a ground crew and complained loudly, "Hey, goodbye! The other day, those Polish troops seemed to have eaten marijuana. Bull No.17 and No.1 were two days. When was I not a record? Today, it’s a good thing that it took me an hour to see two … "
"Be content. You took off an hour earlier and didn’t see two fighter planes and a Polish plane." The ground officer laughed and said, "Why didn’t you escort the Fuehrer when he flew back to Berlin yesterday afternoon?"
"There is no Polish plane to chase the Fuehrer’s Dornier passenger plane on the eastern front," Garland said as he walked back. "I can’t do those flattering things. It’s more my style to smash my opponent’s plane into pieces."
"I heard that d217 squadron over there gave the head of state a gift? And the Fuhrer likes it very much? " I handed a cigarette to the ground officer around me, and Garland grabbed one himself. "Can you find a way to put a camera on my plane?"
"Why? Changed careers? Want to go to the reconnaissance troops? " The ground officer had a wry smile.
"Alas ….. it seems that I’m really not the kind of person who can please the company." Garland sighed and laughed and said, "Go! Go drink! I don’t patrol until noon. "
D217 bombers and Stuka became the most popular planes of the German team. These planes paralyzed the revetment army, and the reinforcements and supplies were wiped out by them before they reached the front line. In memory of the former German president, Marshal Hindenburg, an old soldier during World War I, this d217 bomber squadron was named Hindenburg Squadron.
The badge of this unit is an eagle dropping bombs on the railway. They just attack the enemy’s railway transportation lines. But now they regard the whole of Poland as the target of attack, so they brutally bomb every place-even the central area of Warsaw. The squadron leader made a picture of the bomber pilots the night before arcado returned to Berlin and gave it to the great German head of state.
And the next day, they bombed the Polish Pomeranian Army, which was surrounded in the north of Warsaw, and lost 2 tons of ammunition in one breath. Finally, the Pomeranian Army surrendered its weapons. This corps commander Porter Noszky surrendered to the frontal German armored forces and then waited until Rommel arrived to hand over his sword. On September 27, Poland’s last established field corps Pomeranian Army was destroyed.
At present, the Polish army has established a legal system to take off against the German army, and the army has become a turtle in a jar. Apart from the Soviet border direction and hundreds of thousands of troops, all the troops in other directions have been wiped out-not because they don’t want to go back to World War I, but because on the one hand they are worried that the Soviets will pursue the German team on the other hand, and their French reaction is too fast. Before they can make a judgment, Warsaw has been surrounded and cut off, and the victory has completely belonged to the Germans.
Arcado and Poland made a high-profile inspection of his efficient and powerful army, and then secretly returned to Berlin by plane. It was not until the Fuehrer’s plane landed in Berlin that Kruger, a worker at the Berlin General Command, realized that he had been promoted because of arcado’s poor work. Now he is the commander-in-chief of the newly established F regiment stationed in Poland.
Chapter 25 25 Preparatory Plan
A huge cannon was slowly erected from the railway tracks. Many French soldiers were strengthening the surrounding railways along the railway tracks. A French official looked at all this from a height and his eyes were full of pride.
"General de Gaulle" pointed to his own cannon and showed off to his colleagues around him. "There are no such huge cannons in Germany, and here we have deployed five such cannons in one breath."
De Gaulle’s face also hung with a very heartfelt expression, "I hope your artillery can bring victory this time."
France has declared war on Germany for 16 days, but France has still not launched a substantive attack on Germany. Everyone is waiting for the result of Germany’s war against Poland. Once the German battlefield is in a stalemate, a country will really attack Germany’s western border.
But this time, all countries miscalculated, completely miscalculated-there was no war in the imaginary stalemate, and it became a one-sided military exercise. The German troops advanced more than 4 kilometers on the first day of the war, and they maintained this jaw-dropping speed for most of the rest.
The British were forced to send 10,000 men to Belgium to strengthen the border defense. Because the Belgian royal family was worried about the terrible fighting capacity of the German team, once the attack speed appeared in Belgium, Belgium might die in a few days. Similarly, Luxembourg also stationed in a division of French troops.
However, the French high-level officials noticed a small battle in the northern border area of Poland, which was magnificent and unremarkable in the eastern battle, but still puzzled all French generals. A permanent reinforced concrete fortification was completely destroyed by the German army
Giant bombs and napalm bombs made it possible for the Germans to break through maginot line quickly, and maginot line became as fragile as a blank sheet of paper. France did not want to make the Great Wall of Steel invested heavily into a wooden fence for farmers, so it was urgent to strengthen this border defense line with three fires and four fires.
They believe that maginot line can resist the impact from the ground and need to worry about the threat from the sky. The French side finally chose a two-pronged plan. One plan is to strengthen the performance of fighters. Another solution is to supplement the ground fire resistance.
However, in September 1937, it was a time when the French aviation industry failed to meet the needs. Some mature aircraft models were outdated in front of German advanced fighters, while some experimental models were not mature. It was necessary to continue the experiment and watch a large number of German fighters slaughter old aircraft in Poland. The French army was able to produce a passable s46 fighter to alleviate the pressure caused by the German army.
Anti-aircraft guns were deployed on the ground in the main section of maginot line, France. There was also an interesting episode. The French also saw the Swedish Bofors 4 mm anti-aircraft gun. Unfortunately, Germany had already booked the order three years later. The French in Chennai were able to make their own anti-aircraft guns with average performance.
At the same time, the French planned an attack to force Germany to give up the attack plan to destroy Poland, but at this time they found that they did not have a complete plan to attack Germany.
However, the French government saw hope when a man appeared. This man was Major General De Gaulle, an army general who had always advocated the use of force against Germany. He put forward a complete war plan, including the destruction of siegfried line, Germany by huge artillery at the border, and then making tanks attack the western part of Germany like Germany attacked Poland.
Now Poland has only one breath left, if it doesn’t make a move, it will be too late. France, a land power in Europe, has its own considerations. Britain can sit back and watch Germany balance France, but France can’t stand this ending. So the French finally decided to lose their British allies and give Germany a try this time.
Less this time, Charles de Gaulle felt that the time was very ripe. Germany won itself as the main force and made a surprise attack on Poland, which shocked the whole world. Then Germany’s troops on the western front must be insufficient. France can start at this time and gain the advantage over the German team on the western front, so Germany needs to be forced to withdraw its troops from Poland and once again fall into the embarrassing situation of two-front war.
"Our army has no research on the secret weapon of the new German incendiary bomb, and there is no good way to take siegfried line." De Gaulle pointed to the French train guns in front of us and said, "This kind of weapon is our only means to deal with German siegfried line, hoping to achieve the expected effect."
"A few days ago, we experimented with this kind of 5 mm caliber artillery, and the effect of destroying reinforced concrete fortifications was very good. Few Germans didn’t lie to us this time. These artillery guns are indeed line killers." The artillery officer glanced at him and said with a smile, "We won’t put into production on a large scale because our weapons experts have to experiment and prove it."
"At dawn, we will show the Germans that the French team today is not those idiots in Poland!" De Gaulle waved to his adjutant, who nodded and ran down the hill.
At the other end of the hillside, dozens of French heavy tanks are leading hundreds of light tanks along the highway slowly. Together with these tanks, there are tens of millions of French infantry. Every once in a while, a pack horse pulls a cannon team and stretches to the end of the mountain road, drowning in a gray dust.
"Long live the head of state! General Gaskell has just sent urgent information from France. "An officer walked into the office of the Intelligence Bureau of the German Defence Force General Command and stood at attention with a document with the word top secret."
Gaskell immediately changed his face when he typed the document. "How did such important information get here?"
"The French blocked the Luxembourg border, and our intelligence personnel only found the opportunity to send this information this evening." The officer bowed his head and said, "After several dark losses, direction de la surveillance du territoire also carried out a cleaning plan for our deployment. The action that destroyed the French s46 fighter production line a few days ago failed."
"Call the Fuehrer’s office immediately! Said I want to meet the head of state "Gaskell looked at his pocket watch and knew that arcado had flown back to Berlin this afternoon. He immediately got up and said" Send a message to the French intelligence branch and tell them to accept the details of the French action as much as possible this time, including the attack direction of the troops, and so on … Find me directly if you have any news, and don’t go through people! Is it white? "
"yes! General! " The officer once again saluted and promised.
"I’m sorry to bother you so late, my Fuehrer." Gascoigne looked uneasy and looked tired. arcado bowed his head and said, "But this news is very important. I hope you can prepare as soon as possible."
"Is there a French side?" Arcado knew that he wouldn’t bother himself because of this right-hand man. It must be a very difficult big thing-when it comes to big things, it’s now the problem of the western front. He swept away his fatigue and narrowed his eyes and asked
Gaskell handed the intelligence document to arcado before he left. "The French are preparing to attack. I don’t know when and where to attack, but this attack will break out in the near future-they blocked the Luxembourg border area."
Arcado nodded. He went to his desk and grabbed the words. "Get me the propaganda department … Fanny, it’s me … arcado … Arrange a speech … It will be done at noon. The core is to condemn France for waging a war against Germany despite Germany’s resistance to * * westward … Yes! Arrange as soon as possible and wait for my arrangement. "
Put words and immediately arrested arcado continue to issue their own orders "give me the wehrmacht headquarters … I’m arcado, please pick up the words … you already know the information? Yes, there should be no doubt about the accuracy. Let the troops on the western front enter the state of combat readiness immediately. All officers cancel their leave and the troops enter their respective defensive areas. "
"Does my Fuehrer need to initiate the Preparatory Plan?" Words blauch deed sound out over there "if France * * team attack troops on the western front will suffer losses, we must immediately take counter-attack to curb the French attack because siegfried line, after all …"
"Early in the morning, the government will declare a state of emergency, and the National Defence Force will expand 20 more divisions to the western front." arcado said confidently, "I approve you to make the Preparatory Plan defensive on the western front … but will everything have to wait until the French get out of hand first?"
"yes! My head of state! " Brauchic replied, "I will try my best to stop France from booking the area."
Hanging up, arcado got through to schacht again, saying, "Send a message to all businessmen connected with us to sell their French bonds and assets. The Preparatory Plan has just been approved to carry out a real war."
Brauchic, the headquarters of the National Defence Force, dialed the words of the front command. "General rundstedt, I am Brauchic. On behalf of the head of state, I announce to you that you have been ordered by the commander-in-chief of the Western Front to implement the" Preparatory Plan "."
On the night of September 29th, the troops on the western front of the German Wehrmacht left their barracks and were covered with canvas by the ground crew, and the western front of Germany entered the first-class combat readiness.
Chapter 26 26 was played
"Shells loaded! Shooting parameters have been confirmed! It can be fired at any time! " A French artillery officer reported to his chief that "two artillery guns were aimed at the large bunker on the main peak of the German position opposite, and the other three men all chose their own targets"
"Is the field artillery artillery group ready?" French railway artillery force chief glanced at the distant mouth asked.
The officer immediately handed over a document: "They have reached the designated position a few minutes ago. Six cannons will fire with our cannons, which will definitely destroy the German shit siegfried line."
Nodded, the commander of the railway gun ordered, "The timing is based on the instructions. Seven minutes later, the gun will cooperate with our army to break through siegfried line."

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