"good! Fenger, go back and have a good rest. Keep your spirits up these days and let those people have a good look when they wake up and sacrifice! " Jiang Ri-sun said with great vigor that it seemed that the whole people were much younger.

Jiang Feng smile echo turned and left the hall to his room.
"Jiang … Jiang Feng elder brother you wait for me!" Jiang Yueer wriggled for a long time before he got up the courage to chase him.
Looking back, I saw that Jiang Yueer was awkward and came over with a chuckle.
"The moon has something you want to see me? Don’t want to hit me again! "
After listening to Jiang Feng, Yueer’s cheeks were redder in the past, and he replied hesitantly, "How can I dare to hit you again now? Thank you so much for what happened earlier, otherwise I would probably marry that old man!"
The thought of marrying Shi Yili Jiang Yueer is still a little scary.
"Even if I don’t come forward, can grandpa marry you to Shi Yili? He just wants to stall each other."
Jiang Yueer nodded with difficulty and continued, "My attitude towards you before … is all my fault. I apologize to you!"
Jiang Feng walked over a stretch hand to touch Jiang Yueer head.
"This is the family isn’t it! ?”
Jiang Feng gave her an affable smile and turned away.
Jiang Yueer looked at Jiang Feng’s back for a long time before she came to her senses, and a warmth rose from her heart. This is an unprecedented feeling of affection! Yes, it’s family
Brother is really a long-lost and strange name.
Lan Yue returned home, and it was hard for her. She was called to the hall just after entering the door.
In the hall, a group of branch brothers watched him come in, whispering from time to time to show their good looks.
"Evil animals! You kneel for me! " Suddenly a big drink calmed everyone around.
There sat a middle-aged man whose face was livid and his brow was faintly angry. It was the owner of the orchid family.
Lan Yuegang was so happy when he got the elixir that he was ready to show off in front of Dad, but before he came to talk, he was scared to the ground by a roar.
"You tell me honestly whether Yu Pei, the owner of the Lan family, was stolen by you!"
Lan Guzhu stared, and he didn’t want Yu Pei to be a thief, but the whole Lan family searched everywhere, and there was no one else except Lan Yue.
LanYue grew up most afraid of myself, the father, who dared to lie at the sight of LanGuZhu glaring "home … householder Yu Pei? I haven’t seen any householder Yu Pei. I saw a jade ring on your desk. I thought it was beautiful and cool, so I used it as a pendant! "
The orchid householder is really tearing his hair out about this motherfucker when he listens to the householder Yu Pei.
Generally, precious Yu Pei is hanged by this guy, and it’s just that he didn’t care about him in the past.
However, Yu Pei, the owner of the open house, deserves to own Yu Pei every generation. He was used as a pendant by this little beast, and he flew into a rage on the spot.
If this evil animal were not his own, he would have been dragged out to feed the dog.
I took a few breaths, and Lan Guzhu tried to calm himself down.
Shen asked, "Where’s Yu Pei?"
Yu Pei!’
LanYue consciousness behind to touch clothes found no touch looked down after this just react Yu Pei would have let him to sell.
Cold sweat instantly flowed from his forehead and moved his outstretched hand back drily.
Where is LanGuZhu watching LanYue stare don’t talk in the heart suddenly raised a bad feeling.
"Evil animals! Let me ask you one more question! What about Yu Pei! "
"Jade … jade … Yu Pei asked me to … sell it!" Lanyue prevaricated and said
A listen to this orchid home master cultivation again good also impatient "ceng" up from the chair, pointing to LanYue shake hands "come … come … call me! Fight to the death! "
Lan Guzhu used to take pictures of Lan Yue, but this time he was really angry.
Lan Yuelan’s family status is not high, and no one is afraid of him. One or two strong servants are walking around without leaving any hands.
A burst of bludgeon will be greeted severely.
"Ah …"
The hall suddenly burst into a scream of killing pigs, listening to several collateral brothers, some of whom shuddered, and the female brother could not bear to turn away.
Chapter 23 Joy begets sorrow
Lan Yue was beaten to death, and the blue householder finally eased a little and waved his servants away.
"Who did you sell Yu Pei to! ? Silver! "
To silver LanYue naturally again remind of the bosom to raise a panacea.
If I let dad know that I bought this elixir, I will be very happy. Maybe taking Yu Pei will offset it.
The thought of here LanYue beaming some excitement wiped her tears just now.
"Dad, don’t be angry! This time, Laner didn’t spend money indiscriminately, but found the miracle of awakening the seal of heaven. To tell dad the truth, this miracle was wasted and I got it from Jiang Feng. "
Lan Yue said as she carefully took out a porcelain vase from her arms.
What do you mean, joy begets sorrow? This is called joy begets sorrow.
Lanyue doesn’t say it’s okay, but Lanzhu just smashed the table.
"Hey!" A crunchy table teacup was thrown to LanYue by him.
"Evil animals! Zombie! "
Lan Guzhu’s family is very sure that the root has no awakening mark of heaven and Dan medicine, even if there is, can Jiang Feng be there?
Everyone in Ziluocheng doesn’t know that he is a big fool and you are a second fool.
The former orchid householder also comforted himself that Lan Yue was not talented, but at least he was not stupid and somehow better than Jiang Feng.
Now it seems that he is really wrong and all wet.
"It’s a shame that you let a fool cheat you! Shame! " LanGuZhu a glaring blunt side servant nu way "still looking at what to do! Call me! Keep calling me! "
"Meowed … dad! Stop fighting! Don’t fight! "
"Jiang Feng he is not stupid! He said that he dreamed that the immortal helped him cure his stupid disease and gave him a prescription to awaken the heaven! " LanYue cry dad shouted niang shouted.
Who ChengXiang LanYueGang say that finish this LanGuZhu is furious "give me 20 jins heavy kill awesome! Kill this smelly little! "
Lanyue is another burst of crying. Dad cries, Mom screams, tears flow like no money, and her ass is bloodied.
It’s been a long time since LanGuGu calmed down and continued to ask "Yu Pei now! ?”
Lan Yue stretched out his hand and wiped a handful of tears. He said nervously, "It’s sold to the alchemist’s temple!"

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