At the moment, Shilong is dignified with a wry smile. "There are treasures in Yangzhou City, Mundus that deserve Mundus to come in person."

Shilong wry smile in the heart with the last hope.
Imperial heaven sneers at the right hand and achieves the sword finger with sharp meaning.
"The name of this extraordinary four wonders is enough for me to come."
Imperial words fall into the hands of the sword mans has turned into a sword light emerge.
"Sting …"
Shilong eyes wide open looking at his right arm.
"Snow …"
Shilong’s right arm flew up directly and slowly fell to the ground.
Imperial scarlet eyes stare at the stone dragon in front of me. "Tell me where the Atlas of God of War is or you will suffer!" "
Shilong shivered all over, and sweat appeared on his forehead.
"I … I … I didn’t … snow! ! ! ! !”
Instant stone dragon is a scream mouth spit out a hot blood.
"You know what I didn’t cut off your right arm, because I need you to give it to me honestly with the atlas of God of War."
It’s very painful for Shilong’s abdomen to be pierced. It’s very painful to see a chill slowly emerge, and several ice cubes emerge from the wound.
At this moment, Shilong screamed at the sky and roared, "Mundus spared Shilong to take it out!"
Shilong said directly into his arms and took out a roll of gold silk scrolls.
Imperial day left hand a young shilong hand gold scroll has appeared in the hands of imperial day.
Imperial eyes staring at the scroll corners of the mouth emerge a smile.
There is only one line of big characters in the picture scroll,’ Heaven and earth are cruel to all things, pigs and dogs’!
A god of war-like pattern appears around without remembering it, as if it were a scroll.
"This is the ares atlas?"
Imperial day wondering eyes staring at the stone dragon with a hint of light!
Shilong was confused and dull. "Yes, this is the atlas of the God of War. I got it from a painter. It is said that these two scrolls were the ancestors of the painter. It is said that on that day, the sky exploded and two stone carvings slowly emerged. The painter will directly record them to form two volumes of paintings. I know that these two volumes of paintings are the atlas of the God of War. I will buy them at a large price and then study them. Today, it is a gain."
Yutian frowned and drank coldly, "Kwai Yi, can someone go out!"
A shadow appeared, and an old pedant appeared.
Kwai-ichi holds a golden scroll in his hands. "The man who wants to escape has been killed by the genus!"
Yutian looked at the two scrolls and nodded. "It’s very good. Although the two scrolls are not the atlas of God of War, there are some!"
Yutian put away two scrolls and then glanced around indifferently. "Kill!"
Kwai nodded "Yes!"
Imperial heaven turned away and walked towards Yangzhou city.
Kwai is drawn rapier indifference said "kill …! !”
Instant Stone Dragon Martial Arts School was plunged into a killing.
You can leave Shilong Martial Arts School when you get the Atlas of God of War.
Of course, Shilong may not die if he doesn’t play some tricks, but it is natural for Shilong to play some clever tricks.
Chapter 322 Atlas of Mars
Atlas of god of war four wonders.
Imperial heaven looked at two golden scrolls, and the scrolls presented a pattern of God of War, which contained a mystery with a bit of hegemony.
Yu Tian stared at the two volumes of Ares Atlas with a trace of confusion in his eyes. "I don’t have a feeling of what this thing thinks of these two volumes of golden scrolls. It’s not that the Ares Atlas only appeared in an instant. A painter copied the two volumes of Ares Atlas with only a small amount of power, but since I want to come to Ssangyong, there must be a mystery in this Ares Atlas!"
Imperial day shook his head and put the picture scroll.
Suddenly a sound came.
"Can Gong Zhenzhen come in?"
The appearance of Zhen Zhen sound was accompanied by a knock at the door.
Yutian looked up and stared at the front door. "Come in!"
"Cut cheep …"
A woman appeared at the door with a jade cup in her hand.
Yutian looked at the woman with doubts, "Jade Cup, is this sake?"
"well! The housekeeper told the public that she likes to taste iced sake since she was a child, and that some sake has been brewed since she was a child. Now it is just the right time to invite the public to taste it! "
Zhenzhen said to put the jade cup.
Imperial day nodded and put the picture aside.
Pick up the jade cup and gently taste the drinks in front of you. Zhen Zhen is cleaning up the sundries on the table. After seeing two scrolls, Zhen Zhen’s eyes suddenly emerge with a trace of curiosity.
Yu Tian stared at Wei Zhenzhen’s mouth, and there was an incredible "Yin and Yang this …!"
Imperial day don’t understand is with a bit shocked.
Wei Zhenzhen stared at Yutian with confusion. "What are the other two pictures of Yin and Yang? They are so interesting!"
Weizhenzhen said, but also looked at what the picture was pointing at.

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