"Professor Zhu has come up with a new material. Have a look at it in Qingyuan?"

Liang Haiping asked so, so did Li Yuanling. Every time Liang Yuan shook his head consciously, he found out all kinds of excuses and reasons to push it off.
Qingyuan Special Steel, located in Qingyuan City, is a well-known special steel smelting enterprise in the Republic. More than half of the aerospace special steel in the Republic comes from Qingyuan Steel Works. Although the smelting equipment of Northeast Locomotive Works is very advanced after the technical transformation, all the new material formulas of Zhu Liguo were Qingyuan Special Steel for large-scale tests before the large-scale real furnace was introduced by the depot.
In order to maintain the consistency of data and experience, Zhu Liguo won a ton of real furnace and Qingyuan special steel was not interrupted. A considerable part of metal formula experiments were still carried out on special steel.
Qingyuan and Shengjing are very close to each other. After the completion of the East-West Expressway crossing Shengjing by Liangyuan I, it takes 50 minutes to drive from the center of Shengjing to the center of Qingyuan. For the large cities seen by the Ministry of State of the Republic, the trip between the two cities is about the same as that consumed by the cross-regional cities. Two cities can be regarded as one city.
What am I avoiding? Or what am I running from? Can these unborn things be counted as memories? There should be no regrets about having Jiajia around. Some things may not even be born.
I don’t know if Shangri-La Hotel can see the faint outline of Qingyuan horizon with a telescope on the top floor after it is repaired. Liang Yuan’s mind kept rolling.
Maybe this is called near the horizon. Liang Yuan laughed and turned to look at the tree he relied on.
It seems that after the Republic’s two wars in Nansha, some things in the national movement are generally doomed to never return to the previous generation. Chen Qian liked big stumps when he was reading early, and now he is still growing luxuriantly, and he can’t see any signs of becoming a stump.
Life is not equal to ten * * No one can get all Liang Yuan’s cigarettes. He took a deep breath and put out the dark red cigarette butts. He got up with wet grass and patted the tree with vicissitudes of life. Liang Yuan said, "Grow well."
When Liang Yuan returned to the classroom and finished the experiment of liquid helium phase, Zhao Yinong was simply explaining the cause of liquid helium fluidity by quoting Landau’s "Helium 2 fluidity theory"
Back to the seat Liang Yuan dug out a piece of bubble gum from his bag, quietly put it in his mouth and chewed it for a moment, then poked Wang Mengmeng to make sure there was no smell of cigarettes before Liang Yuan took notes at ease.
"Students, today we learned about magical conductive materials and many unique phenomena in low-temperature physics. It can be said that high-temperature conductive materials have attracted several top scientists in the world. Note that if normal temperature conductors can be used in the future, human society and culture will undergo earth-shaking changes."
Zhao Yinong raised his hand and looked at his watch. He made a final summary while cleaning up the lesson plan.
"A new type of ground transportation system, which is close to energy fusion and can be used for interstellar travel, is closely related to conductors. It can be said that whether high-performance high-temperature or normal-temperature conductivity will determine whether human beings will stop at planetary literature or evolve into planetary literature in the future."
"Students who are interested in this knowledge can come to my office at any time, but it is much more difficult to find high-temperature conductive materials than to find filament when Edison was looking for a lamp. Edison has tried ten thousand kinds of materials to find suitable filament materials, and it has taken nearly a century for the scientific community to find suitable conductive materials since 1911. Up to now, scientists all over the world have tried millions of materials."
"It is foreseeable that this situation of finding a needle in a haystack will continue in the future. Students who are interested in this field must really love this major to become a real scientific research. It can be said that it is a rather boring job."
At the end of Zhao Yinong’s course, it was emphasized again that the students in low-temperature physics’s juvenile class, who had a hard time in scientific research, chose a major that they didn’t really love on impulse.
As the bell rang, seven students who were interested in what Zhao Yinong had just said surrounded the platform and asked the others to pack their bags and get ready to leave school.
"Xiaoyuan and Mengmeng, aren’t you both interested in low-temperature physics?"
"Yes, star trek sounds very sci-fi and high-end."
Wen-Jie Yu and Seinfeld quickly packed their stationery and carried their bags to Liang Yuan and Wang Mengmeng’s desk.
"You two ask me, how can a guy like me think about a year later?" Liang Yuan said with a bitter face while hiding his hands in the desk and carefully re-fixing the hard-won box of "hay"
Three years of preparatory education will be carried out before the junior class officially chooses a major. In these three years, everyone will consolidate the high school curriculum and study some university courses, and at the same time receive a comprehensive education in science and engineering, from physics to chemistry, from mathematics to biology. Students can choose their favorite major from several courses and transfer directly to master’s degree after three years.
"I’m not interested in low-temperature physics," Wang Mengmeng said simply.
"I heard my dad say that a new generation of chips in Nanhu Science and Technology Park has been put into research, and there is no accident. At this time of the year, the new chips will be successfully streamed. At that time, my dad and their research on medical imaging system will be able to break through the bottleneck of data processing. I think I will probably be forced into their stall by my dad and my mom." Wang Mengmeng said with great uncertainty.
Wang Mengmeng’s parents, yan wang and Ji Xiaomeng, are engaged in embedded processor engineering. Before Liang Yuan founded Yuanjia, they had already studied medical control system and image processing system. Even if Liang Yuan didn’t intervene in the history of Dongda University, Neusoft Banner Dongda Digital Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. was the only large enterprise in the Republic that could produce medical and industrial products. However, the Republic itself did not invest in Neusoft core technology of industrial processors to establish a Japanese hardware foundation.
In the mid-1990s, although Neusoft’s self-developed multi-layer spiral scanning took the lead in breaking the monopoly of foreign medical testing equipment, it was limited by Neusoft’s short-sighted high-level strategic vision and the rigid economic policy of the Republic towards the northeast heavy industry base. After entering the new century, Neusoft lost in the talent battle for emerging enterprises such as China and ZTE, and finally ended up in a position of one.
In the past, when Liang Yuan graduated, all the technical backbones of Neusoft who were independently responsible for the project were almost poached by China, ZTE and other enterprises with high salaries, and Neusoft was dubbed the national technical director reserve team by people in the I industry.
I Neusoft’s first bucket of gold came from Japanese software outsourcing in the early 1990s, when Liang Yuan had already turned Dongda into a historical fork. Where can we wait for Japanese companies to integrate computer talents at Dongda?
Although there is no high-end industrial processor production line in the Science Park, Liang Yuan hasn’t made a large-scale toss yet, the basic joint work was carried out two years ago, from the initial simple remote control phase optimization to the customization of railway signal system, from the outsourcing of some projects in Hong Kong to the discussion between the two sides on the establishment of joint ventures Yuanjia and Dongdahe.
"Fat Seinfeld, what are you two going to do?" Wang Mengmeng asked
"It’s too cold in Antarctica, and I don’t want to continue my father’s work." Yu Wenjie shrank his head in consciousness.
Yu Wenjie’s father is engaged in geophysics and spends several months in the polar regions with the Antarctic expedition of the Republic every year.
"I may go to math or study programming with Meng Meng, which is also good," Yu Wenjie said.
"I haven’t thought about it yet. I’m going to think about it slowly this year. I can’t figure out what to study when I choose my major." Seinfeld said very carelessly
Recently, it wasn’t Liang Yuan’s dormitory that was on duty. Liang Yuan hid the "hay" and packed the bag. Four people left the classroom together.
Liang Yuan stopped at the fork in the road leading to the dormitory and the school gate and said, "Mengmeng, Fat … You guys go home. I won’t go back to the dormitory today. My mother can come back at any time these days. I have to stay at home and stare at what I promised you."
"Well, let’s go back first, and don’t forget to ask about Xiaoyuan maglev," added Wang Mengmeng.
Liang Yuan nodded, waved and said goodbye to the three people, and turned the path leading to the main entrance of the school to be continued.
Chapter 245th Scientific Superconducting Magnetic Gun
Backhand carrying a bag chewing a big bubble gum. Although Liang Yuan at the entrance of Dongda University has nothing to do with Yushu, the wheat-colored skin is matched with the lazy smile at the corner of his mouth. At first glance, it is quite attractive. At the very least, a large girl or girl in the senior grade of Dongda University will inadvertently leave a sweet smile when her eyes pass someone.
Blue-blue canvas shoes, light gray washed cloth trousers, beige pullover T-shirt, one finger wide, neat and short … Thanks to Li Yuanling’s exquisite facial features, Liang Yuan is not handsome, but he is quite qualified to be a sunny boy.
Of course, that’s why there were very few onlookers when someone fought at the entrance of the small door last year. Otherwise, the smile on someone’s mouth would turn into a blind stream when watching beautiful women. The evil smile attached to the primary school students is a good boy’s character, and he will definitely avoid someone and smile sweetly. Don’t even think about it.

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