It’s her kindness, Sasha agreed. Your mother is unique, kind and lovely, but how can I tell you? I went to your kitchen early this morning and saw four maids sleeping directly on the floor without beds or bedding. It’s covered with rags and a lot of bugs and cockroaches. It’s the same as it was 20 years ago. Oh, when it comes to grandma, God bless her. If you want to say that she is a grandmother, your mother may speak French and take part in amateur performances, it seems that she should do something.

Sasha put two slender fingers in front of the listener when he spoke.
Everything here is a little weird, he continued. God knows what’s going on. People here do nothing. Your mother always walks around like a duchess and grandmother, and so do you, even your fiance Andre Andrejic.
Naja heard these words last year and seemed to have heard them the year before last. She knew that Sasha would never say anything else. Before, she thought these words were ridiculous. Somehow, they sound very angry now.
What you said is a cliche, which makes people tired of listening. She said, get up and you should think of something new.
He smiled and got up, and they walked towards the room. She was tall, beautiful and slim, and now she looked healthier and more beautifully dressed beside him. She felt this and felt sorry for him, and she didn’t know what was going on.
You said a lot of unnecessary things. She said that you just visited me, Andre, but you don’t really know him.
I, Andre, go to him, go to you, Andre. I feel sorry for your youth.
When two people entered the hall, everyone was already sitting for dinner. Grandma, or grandma as she was called by her family, was very fat and ugly, with thick eyebrows and a little moustache. Just by listening to her voice, she could know that she was a landlord, several rows of shops, and this old house with a cylindrical garden was full of her. Every morning, she prayed to the emperor to protect her from bankruptcy. Her daughter-in-law Nina Ivanovna, Najia’s mother, was born with light hair and her waist was tightly tied with 116 fingers. Father Andre is a thin old man who has lost his teeth. From the expression on his face, he seems to be going to tell a very ridiculous thing. His son Andre Andrejic, that is, Najia’s fiance, is strong and handsome, with curly hair like an actor or painter. The three of them are talking about hypnosis.
After you stay in my house for a week, your grandmother will turn to Sasha and say that you need to eat more. Look at you like this. She sighed and said that you look terrible. You look like a famous wave.
Spending the wealth given by his father to the Ministry, Father Andre said slowly with a smile in his eyes that the idlers were good for people to put pigs.
I, my dad Andre Andrejic patted my father on the shoulder and said he was a lovely and kind old man.
Everyone didn’t suddenly Sasha laughed and covered her mouth with a napkin.
So you also believe in hypnosis, Father Andre asked Nina Ivanovna.
Of course, I can’t say for sure that I believe Nina Ivanovna’s answer has become very serious and severe, but it should be admitted that there are many mysterious and incomprehensible phenomena.
I totally agree with you, but I have to add that with faith, the field of religious mysteries will be greatly reduced.
A big, fat turkey came to Father Andrei, Nina Ivanovna, and the conversation continued. Nina Ivanovna’s finger diamond ring sparkled, and then tears flashed in her eyes, and she became excited.
Although I dare not argue with you, she said, you have to admit that there are many mysteries in life.
Absolutely not. I can assure you.
After dinner, Andrei Ikela Xiaoqin Nina Ivanovna plays the piano. He accompanied him. Ten years ago, he graduated from Chinese, but he never worked, took part in some charity occasionally and held concerts. People in the city called him an actor.
Andre Andre Ikey played the sogeum, and everyone listened in silence. The tea was cooked on the table and Sasha was steaming. Later, when the clock struck twelve o’clock, a string of the sogeum suddenly broke, and everyone laughed and got up to leave.
After seeing off her fiance, Najia went back to the upstairs bedroom. She lived in the upstairs with her mother, and the grandmother turned off the lights in the lobby, but Sasha was still sitting drinking tea. He always finished drinking tea for a long time. It was the habit of Muscovites to drink seven cups at a time. Najia undressed and got out of bed for a long time. She could hear the maid picking up things and the grandmother was angry. Finally, everything was quiet and occasionally came from Sasha’s room. He coughed deeply.
It was about two o’clock when Naja woke up. At this time, it was dawn, and the bellman was knocking at her in the distance. She didn’t want to sleep. She was lying soft and uncomfortable, as in the past. On May night, Naja sat in bed thinking about her heart, but her thoughts were as monotonous as last night. It was not Andre Andrejic who pursued her to propose to her. She agreed, and gradually spoke highly of this kind and wise person. But somehow, less than a month after the divorce, she felt flustered and uneasy, as if waiting for her was an unspeakable distress.
Benedict’s watchman banged on Benedict lazily.
Looking from the old big window, you can see that the garden is filled with lilacs in the distance. The flowers are sleepy and a little cold, and a white fog is slowly coming towards the lilacs, trying to cover it up. In the distant Woods, the sleepy white-billed crows are crowing.
My god, why is my heart so heavy?
Maybe every fiancee felt this way before she got married. Who knows? It was influenced by Sasha. I don’t know that Sasha has been saying the same thing for several years, and when he speaks, he seems childish and eccentric. So Sasha’s image can’t be waved away.
The watchman has long since stopped ringing. Birds chirped in the garden before the window. The fog in the garden has dissipated. Everything around him is bathed in the spring morning light, like being immersed in laughter. A garden is caressed by the sun and soon wakes up. The leaves and dewdrops are crystal clear and sparkling like diamonds. This ancient and deserted garden looks full of vitality and charm in this morning.
Grandma has woken up, Sasha is coughing gruffly, but she can hear the servant from the building bring the tea urn and move the chair.
As time went by, Najia had already got up and had been walking in the garden. The morning continued.
Later, Nina Ivanovna came with a glass of mineral water in her tearful hand. She was very interested in spiritualism 118 and homeopathy 119, and read a lot about it. She had doubts in her heart. All this seemed profound and mysterious to Najia. Hannah kissed her mother and walked side by side with her.
Why are you crying, mom? She asked.
Last night, I read a novel all night, in which I told a story about an old daughter who was always doing things somewhere. His company loved his daughter, but I haven’t finished reading it, but there is a place in it that makes you cry. Nina Ivanovna finished taking a sip of mineral water, and I cried again this morning when I thought of that paragraph.
These days, I am always unhappy in my heart. Naja kept silent for a moment and said that I couldn’t sleep well every night.
I don’t know, honey. Whenever I have insomnia at night, I close my eyes and look at it. Just close my eyes tightly. Imagine Anna Karenina, imagine how she walks and talks, or imagine an event in ancient history
Najia felt that her mother didn’t understand her and couldn’t solve it. It was the first time in her life that she felt this way. She was so scared that she really wanted to hide, so she went back to her bedroom alone.
At two o’clock in the afternoon, everyone sat down for dinner. It was Wednesday and lent, and it was plain red sweet potato soup and bream porridge for grandma.
Sasha deliberately teased grandma that she had finished eating meat soup and plain red sweet soup. He kept joking, but his jokes were clumsy. He always told jokes with a moral sermon. Whenever he made one-liners, he always raised his long, thin fingers like a dead man. People couldn’t help but think that he was very ill, and maybe he would die soon. Then you would sincerely give him a few tears of sympathy.
After dinner, grandma went back to the bedroom to rest. Nina Ivanovna played the piano for a while and went back to her room.
Oh, dear Naja Sasha, as usual, chat after dinner. I wish you would listen to me.

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