But why was this idea immediately replaced by another figure as soon as it came out of my mind? Nan Yunqing wanted her to appear as soon as Xiao Wen appeared, so she had to dispel all unbearable thoughts!

What would Nan Yunqing do if she were here?
Although she has always been so peaceful, in the face of such a situation, she will definitely fight for a larger foe, right?
Xiao asked whether he was thinking about it or not. In fact, Fang Mingfeng is already quite chaotic at this time!
Everyone saw that he was caught and was being taken back. Where can Zong Wangren sit still? Zong Wangren completely let go of the patriarch’s figure and begged the middle-aged man for love, while in 27 cases, those who made friends with Ming Jianzong and others came out to help Zong Wangren plead with each other.
They have never thought of solving this matter by force, because they have already learned the exact news. A considerable number of these people have suppressed the realm, and any one who shows the true realm is enough to sweep the whole celestial world!
However, the effect seems to be minimal, and the middle-aged man in Central China did not move at all.
In fact, these people have neglected other people, that is, those who witnessed Xiao Wen’s arrest.
This group of outsiders actually caught their first peak in the peak!
There is nothing that makes them angry more than this!
This is our home. Why do you outsiders come here to run wild? !
If you are reasonable, you can just pay it back. As a result, you can’t say that it’s the first one in our family, so whoever has a hard fist makes sense!
Xuanyangzong once bullied us like this, and we beat the shit out of us!
You will be much better than Xuanyang Zongzong, and you must pay a painful price! !
Probably no one will know that Xiao Wen, although the first one, has gained considerable prestige among young people in the pulse soon.
And even those old people, when they are captured by people, are just like punching them in the face in public …
There was a fire burning among them early and it was about to reach the critical point!
Xiao Wen in the sky is getting closer and closer to this side, and the figure is becoming more and more clear.
Know peak those people breathing more heavy, xiao asked was behind his hands like a prisoner!
Twenty-seven cases of the first pulse have been treated like this? !
ChuNianrou was the first to shout out. Before the words were spoken, she had already rushed toward the court and attacked the two people closest to her!
Those two people are the hundreds of people who surrounded the compound before. They came as soon as they saw Xiao Wen being captured. The overall situation has been set. Where did you expect that there would be a sneak attack at this time?
One person was caught off guard and the other was simply thrown out!
Chunian soft through two people continue to rush to high toward xiao asked there.
At the same time, others who know the peak are also taking action, that is, those who didn’t intend to start work. At this time, they are also using their magical powers to rush to the middle, either looking for someone to fight directly or rushing to Xiao Wen’s side
The Central Chinese brought many people, but most of them stopped by his side. There were more than 100 people who were really sent out, and they knew that there was a pulse at the peak. At this time, two or three hundred people flew up. Although there were fewer fairies and more true fairies, they looked very powerful.
Even zong wangren didn’t expect this change, but he was stunned, and those Xiao asked for intercession were interrupted.
The middle-aged people in central China turned out to be the fastest-responding sneer, and they looked at the chaotic sky leisurely without telling them anything.
Sure enough, just in the two-breath kung fu, more than 100 people stabilized their condition and easily stopped and rushed away. However, the fairies of Ranfeng killed many true fairies instantly!
Finally, someone died!
Zong Wangren’s eyes widened and shouted, "Stop it! !”
But those people didn’t slow down at all when they listened to him. In this kung fu, not only were true fairies killed, but even several fairies were injured!
Xiao asked in the sky will also see a real situation here. I can’t help but shout, "Stop it! !”
Xiao Wen is actually issuing an order to Brother Mingfeng, but this has already caused a deadly conflict. Who can be calm? What’s worse, even if they know that the peak people will stop, will those guys stop?
At this moment, it turned out that no one even listened to Xiao’s question and still played very fiercely!
Xiao asked Yu Zhi, who watched his nice big brother fly out by a red light, and fell into a coma in the middle. Finally, I couldn’t help it. I suddenly growled and my strength broke out, and I jerked my neck back!
After that, Brother Dandao stopped asking Xiao, only to see that Xiao asked the back of his head quickly enlarged in front of him, and before he could react, it had already hit him in the face!

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