Just now, the white shadow was gone, and the dragon’s tail was gone, and I was in front of the door where Mi Shu said.

That sound told me to go in.
What is she? What let me in here? What?
Just when I was thinking about sneaking around to see if the door could be opened, I had a familiar sound key.
As soon as I looked back, I saw Guan Tianqing holding a red rope key in his hand, and the moonlight sprinkled in an aisle, making everything look hazy and unreal.
Now that I am leisurely and elegant, I will definitely feel that the scene is as beautiful as a painting, including Guan Tianqing.
Of course, I have no leisure and elegance now. This idea is not valid. Now I feel that everything is so strange against the dim moonlight.
I’ve caught so many ghosts, and I’ve seen many horror scenes, but I’ve never seen strange scenes, especially such scenes. Compared with strange scenes, I still think that more horror and friendship are equivalent to killing one knife, and strange ones are equivalent to being in the middle of the year. One is to give you pieces, so that you can’t stand the pain first, and then let you die slowly.
Guan Tianqing came slowly with the key. I looked at him nervously and didn’t know what he was going to do
When he was already in front of me, I realized that I was rude to run around people’s houses in the middle of the night.
I’m busy making fun. I can’t sleep. Come for a walk. Why can’t you sleep?
Guan Tianqing smiled and grabbed my hand with one hand, and then put the key in my hand with the other.
I stared blankly at the officer azure and asked what it meant.
After waiting for so many years, you finally came, that is, waiting for you to come. The doorman azure said with a kind smile on her face.
But also reached out and rubbed my head. Don’t be so disgusting to me. You said I was a man in my twenties. Can I be comfortable being treated by a doll the size of an old man?
Guan Tianqing looked at me and stared at him. He didn’t care, saying that he always had to go into Taoyuan Town, and people would all look at you.
I looked at Guan Tianqing with a blank face. What did he mean by this? Taoyuan Town people told me something, and no one stipulated that I had to go in this door.
When the town ghost operator Azure wants to turn around, he says that when the time comes, he will always find it, and then he shakes his head and denies it. It may not be possible that he can’t get to the last step, which is much worse than that old guy Longyan.
What do you mean? I looked blankly at the turned officer and asked azure.
Long Yan, the old guy has protected you too well, and Guan Tianqing has left without asking questions.
I looked at Guan Tianqing leaving the booth. If I saw it, it should be the key to this door. When I wanted to reach for the door.
I felt as if I had fallen into the abyss. When I opened my eyes, I heard the dragon extraordinary beside me and asked me what was wrong.
I wiped my forehead and sweated. I kicked my leg and sat up. It was a dream.
Long Feifan looked at me for a long time and said, Your forehead.
I was shocked and reached for the lamp and ran to wash my hands. When I looked in the mirror, the red-violet flower on my forehead was extremely enchanting, flashing like a burning flame.
I frowned and touched a red lotus flower on my forehead. There is no vice for such a lotus flower. Let’s not say that I am an open man with many flowers on my forehead. How can I meet people? Wang Xiaolei will see it and not laugh me to death.
But I looked at the lotus flower on my forehead and it didn’t disappear. The red glow was scary.
Just as I was thinking about where the lotus came from, there was a knock at the door outside. I was stunned and the sound was familiar. I looked at my watch again and it was the same as in my dream.
I also can not consider what is on my forehead. I rushed to see the dragon, especially frowning at the door and looking outside.
I rushed over and grabbed the bed to fight the exorcism. Anyway, I kept my life-saving things with me first, and then I reached out and knocked on the door.
It was exactly like the scene in my dream, so I turned around and saw the shadow waiting for me at the corner.

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