The lights are shining brightly. In the temple, Dragonfly first saw a cold hakodate, but this meeting surprised Dragonfly. Whether it is appearance temperament or words and deeds, the cold hakodate is almost as light as ice and snow, and the rosy hair is as fresh and refined as snow. This is simply the ice man. It is not a cold hakodate. There is a awe-inspiring look in his eyes. Dragonfly may believe his judgment.

How do you know each other? Maybe it’s because Dragonfly called a snow ghost king and mistook Dragonfly for a cold hakodate. Seeing him with a puzzled face seems to be waiting for Dragonfly’s cold hakodate answer.
Your name is well-known in Prince Jerome’s Temple. It’s a great honor to see my little girl in the temple today, but your methods of deceiving girls seem a little old-fashioned. Today, I met you for the first time. Don’t call me cold hakodate like this. First, I bowed deeply to Dragonfly, and then I warned in a cold tone.
Hearing what she said, Dragonfly, of course, is not ice and snow on a snowy night, but they are too similar in appearance, that is, Dragonfly wants to look back and his eyes will not listen to the brain.
It’s so similar. It’s so similar. Dragonfly muttered. Then Dragonfly smiled and said, It’s really my honor to meet Marshal Lenghakodate. Forgive me for just now, but you are so much like a friend of mine that I can’t tell you apart if you don’t talk.
Dragonfly’s tone is sincere and frank. Although she is still skeptical about Dragonfly’s words on a cold hakodate, she subconsciously thinks that Dragonfly is not lying, so she said in a slower tone, Oh, I really want to meet my friend in the Prince’s Palace.
It’s a misunderstanding. You were too impulsive on the hakodate just now. How can the Jerome Hall treat you? The Northern Ghost King smiled and said to the cold hakodate with a little blame.
Hehe, since it’s a misunderstanding, everyone should not mind the Prince’s Palace. I’ll introduce you to several North Hades, and the North Hades King is pulling the dragonfly away from the cold hakodate.
He was full of resentment for killing Zhuge Lin’s cold hakodate dragonfly, but when he saw the true face of cold hakodate, he didn’t know what the law was to connect the names that hated her. Maybe this is the expression of loving me, loving my dog.
Later, the ghost king in the north introduced the magic royal etiquette to Dragonfly one by one. Although Dragonfly talked with them, his heart was already not here.
What cold hakodate Cher looks exactly the same? She should be a magic royal family and Cher is a human root. It is impossible for her to think about this problem all the time, but as far as his efforts are concerned, he can also know that the mystery lies in Nai Longfei, so that he can stay in the inferno in the future and have a good exploration of the cold hakodate.
The people attending the banquet held by Dragonfly are all the backbone of the magic royal family, and when they entered the city, Mo Ye, the dragonfly hand, was introduced in this procession. According to the North Ghost King, the commander of the guards of the North Hades was also the same as the two handsome men in the cold hakodate. In addition, many generals such as Marshal Shang Shuijun and Marshal Tian Jun were present.
The division of inferno with different military titles seems to be more detailed than that of commanding the commander-in-chief of the forces in the Bird Terran, who was named Marshal of the Heavenly Army, and commanding the commander-in-chief of those forces fighting in the water was Marshal of the Water Army and so on.
After the introduction of the Northern Ghost King, Longfei learned a lot about the inferno military body, but he also found a very strange phenomenon, that is, all the people attending the banquet department are the same as human beings, and the magic royal family has no other races from beginning to end.
It is not clear whether the Northern Ghost King is worried that those ugly demons in the Dragonfly Method will have lunch together or whether the Northern Ghost King didn’t invite them for some other reason.
It took nearly an hour for many magic royalty to meet each other, perhaps because they were tired of watching Dragonfly. After introducing the last few magic royalty attending the banquet, they invited Dragonfly to sit together and announce the banquet.
Ladies and gentlemen, although we humans have had some friction recently, it has caused unhappiness, but this time, after the king invited Jerome Hall to come to the magic capital, everything vanished. Maybe we can’t live together on an equal footing, but I in Jerome Hall believe that both sides can keep understanding and contact, and one day it will be really peaceful. Come to the mainland and drink a toast. After that, the dragonfly and the northern ghost king will drink it at the same time.
Just put the glass on the North Ghost King, while kissing the dragonfly to pour wine, he said that the Prince’s Temple is not only at the helm of the Dragon Army, but also has a strong experience in martial arts in the mainland. I didn’t expect to try my best to still fall into the wind if it weren’t for the last move of the Temple. Today, Wang Shi might be here for you to gather.
It’s very kind of you, Wang Nai-li. The defeated king dares to reverse black and white and respect the size of the king. Losing in the hands of Wang Ying-li is bound to take Wang’s life, but I didn’t expect to be treated with this kind of hospitality. This makes Wang ashamed. Wang Neng can put aside the past grievances, and the dragonfly has long been used to this kind of false toast in officialdom. Still don’t forget to wake up the North Ghost King and keep his promise.
Ok, ok, ok, today, the king has ordered the inferno troops to leave the punk land and sent the generals to the temple to talk about it. The king has always looked down on human beings, but he is respectful and afraid that the inferno will occupy the punk land, and it can also be returned to the Tianlong army to appease the inferno people.
Therefore, it is necessary for the Dragon Army to take over the king unconditionally and absolutely no longer infringe on the human world, but even if the king doesn’t want to talk to the fatuous punk court, I’m afraid the inferno people will be greatly dissatisfied with this. Forgive me, North Ghost King said with the same face.
After listening to his words, the dragonfly was frightened to disgrace and almost made it on the spot. However, the dragonfly is no longer a reckless teenager, and he is even whiter. At this moment, many inferno generals are present. If you turn your face, you will still suffer from human beings.
So when I saw the dragonfly’s lips fretting, I pressed the voice into the ears of the Northern Ghost King. Because Carlos is so poisonous, you know that punk land should be accepted by the punk court and sent to the Tianlong army. The pendulum is to let the Tianlong army pick up the rotten stalls and occupy the territory of other countries, and finally provoke the Tianlong army. The punk kingdom will not let humans kill each other. You are simply not a person. After a phone call, Dragonfly still smiles and drinks the wine in his hand.
Listen to the evil words of the dragonfly, the King of the North Ghost still looks the same, and he sounds the dragonfly in the same way. Are you mistaken about one thing? Although Wang was annihilated by your dragon army, the inferno army gathered in the punk border alone exceeded three million, and your dragon army was already weakened after the war, leaving hundreds of thousands of people. Even if you add orcs, there is no chance of winning. Now, do you think they may fight our army for the second and third time?
Wang now reluctantly says that all ethnic groups are no longer fighting for punk, which is also in line with my original promise to you. Besides, Wang considers that your land is too small for human world hegemony to give you more than half of the rich punk. What are you dissatisfied with?
Whether you humans want to kill each other is your human business. Besides, even if you don’t do this, human beings will still be at war. Do you need Wang to give an example?
Now that you are in the magic, you still don’t want to think about Wang He’s solution to the dispute between the two people who have been coming and going for a long time. Let them evolve in the future. Wang Ke promised you that he would never provoke mankind, so that you can always feel at ease. After saying that, the Northern Ghost King also deliberately laughed. Today is really a happy day. Cheers.
Although I know that the Northern Ghost King has a sinister heart, he has tried to fight back when he grabbed the white dragonfly. It is true that human beings can really unite as one. On the theory that inferno provokes them, they will not kill each other. In the end, human beings will kill each other because of greed and bad quality. This is also the most difficult place for Dragonfly to refute.
The two people look at each other in this false smile. It’s not a demon. Don’t see this scene. People will surely recognize that the North Ghost King Dragonfly is very close.
The Northern Ghost King is not entertaining the dragonfly to welcome him. His biggest idea is to test whether the dragonfly is his name. After three rounds of wine, the Northern Ghost King smiled and brought the topic to the Prince’s Palace. Do you remember the scene when we first met? I also want to express my sincerest apology to you. Of course, I know that it is difficult for you to accept a verbal apology. I have prepared a special gift for you. I believe that you will be very satisfied with it.
Cold hakodate knew the intention of the Northern Ghost King, and she came here for the purpose of the Dark Crying Magic Blade.
At this time, when she saw the North Ghost King finally acting, she slowly got up and picked up the metal tin box placed beside her and walked to the Prince’s Temple. I know that your dispute started with a dark crying magic blade, and this magic weapon in this box killed tens of thousands of necromancers in the hands of punk general Zhuge Lin.
I shouldn’t repeat these things that hurt the feelings of both sides, but I apologize to you and make up for the regret of killing your cronies, so I was ordered to return this magic blade to you, which is also the final weapon of Marshal Zhuge Lin.
In fact, everyone is not interested in getting the dark crying magic blade dragonfly, but when he heard the last sentence of the cold hakodate and remembered that Zhuge Lin had died, the dragonfly suddenly shook his mouth and laughed and disappeared, which was a kind of sadness.
Zhuge Lin, the man who pulled the dragonfly into the war against the inferno and brought it to the dragonfly, has gone far away, but he has brought influence, but as the dragonfly matures, it continues to grow in the dragonfly’s heart
Dragonfly slowly got up and looked dignified and took the tin box from the cold hakodate. His eyes seemed hazy. His chance to avenge Zhuge Lin had been achieved forever with his defeat to the North Ghost King. He knew that even if the two families of people and demons were a little bit flat, he hoped that he could no longer take up arms and rush to the North Ghost King.
Gently stroking the metal tin box, the dragonfly was silent for a long time. Perhaps it was because of the visual observation of the dragonfly’s action that the North Ghost King could know that the dragonfly was moving at the moment with a keen feeling. It was also because of this small difference that the North Ghost King mistakenly thought that the dragonfly was too dark to cry for a long time.
Hehe, the Prince’s Temple must love the king very much to prepare gifts. Then call quickly and see if this magic weapon can reproduce Shenwei Congbei Ghost King suddenly smiled and said to Dragonfly.
But the dragonfly still stared at the tin box and said flatly, "This belongs to General Zhuge. People like him deserve such weapons, so that I can get it again. I believe that even in the kingdom of heaven, my brother Marshal Zhuge will not regret it again."
When the dragonfly said this, the North Ghost King couldn’t help but be surprised. He gave the magic weapon to the dragonfly, just to let the dragonfly take it to the cold hakodate and inject special qi into the magic weapon as early as possible, so that the magic weapon can maximize its activity and exert its super magic, so as to observe whether the dragonfly can hold the tripod ability all day.
But now the dragonfly reaction is big and they are unexpected, and the North Ghost King can’t force the dragonfly to make it difficult for the North Ghost King to make a decision at the moment.
At this time, it seems that the sky takes special care of the Northern Ghost King and specially sends a clown to make the Northern Ghost King say that he wants to have a banquet. A strange ugly snake family outside the temple rushed into the temple despite the guards’ obstruction. As soon as he was stable, he yelled at the Northern Ghost King and said, I have something to say. Let me finish and I will leave at once.
It’s not surprising that Dragonfly doesn’t know this scale snake family, but the North Ghost King will not know that he smiled and waved his hand to stop the scale snake family guards from leaving and said to the scale snake family, "Mok, the king, is entertaining Prince Jerome’s temple. What emergency do you have to finish quickly?"
Although I was not born and raised in Beiming, I have been loyal to you since I came to Beiming. In a word, nearly one million people of the scale snake family followed you into the human world. Although they didn’t make great achievements, they did their best to die willingly, but today they are here to entertain human beings.
It’s an ordinary human being, so forget this, but killing hundreds of thousands of Tianlong army thieves in our family can be worthy of the death of millions of inferno people, the king of scales and snakes, Mo Kehong, staring at the North Ghost King and saying,

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