"We lost him?" Until now, she still has no idea what happened just now.

"well! Don’t worry, that guy will never come again … "Liu Fei nodded and then opened the window. His voice just fell and the cliff not far behind him suddenly lit up with a fire, followed by a loud bang!
"Huh?" Zhang Luhan glanced at Lu Fei in wonder and asked, "What did you do to him just now?"
"Oh, look, what else can I do for him? I’m not always sitting in the car, am I? " Liu Fei smiled and said, "Didn’t I just tell him to brake quickly?"
"You told him to step on him?" Zhang Luhan looked at Lu Fei with suspicion. "Is he so obedient?"
"Then I don’t know!" Liu Fei shrugged his shoulders and said, "Maybe he has a conscience?"
"All right, I’m right here." About half an hour later, the car finally arrived at the gate of Lufei Community. Lufei quickly stopped Zhang Luhan.
"It’s getting late, so hurry back!" As he spoke, Liu Fei had already pushed the door and left. It was not convenient for Liu Fei to invite Zhang Luhan to sit at home because there were Xiaoxiao and others at home.
"well! Goodbye! " Zhang Luhan’s eyes seem a little disappointed, and finally he nodded, and then he started the car and left here.
"Shout-"Liu Fei relieved and then walked towards the villa.
He didn’t want Xiao Xiao to see Zhang Luhan cause some unnecessary misunderstandings, but he didn’t expect that his every move just fell in the eyes of Xiao Xiao and others.
A few foxes just had dinner and were about to go out shopping with Liu Fei’s money left at home. As soon as they went out, they saw Liu Fei coming from Zhang Luhan’s car.
"Hey? Isn’t that Feifei? " A fox asked with a puzzled face, "Xiaoxiao, who is that woman?" How do you think she seems to be very close to Feifei? "
"Hey, hey, don’t talk nonsense. That person is Feifei!" Xiaoxiao recognized Zhang Luhan at a glance, but instead of thinking much, he explained it for Liu Fei.
"Xiaoxiao, you can grow up. If you want another woman to take Feifei away, you will cry!" The other foxes were not as optimistic as Xiaoxiao, so they quickly gave her a vaccination.
"Hee hee, I know! Let’s go home quickly! If Feifei sees us running around for a while, she will definitely talk about us again! " Xiaoxiao smiled and dragged three senior sisters with a heartless face and ran towards the villa.
Lu Fei returned to the villa and found that the four foxes were sitting on the sofa quietly watching a variety show.
"Huh?" Liu Fei took a look at them and said, is it because the sun is playing on the west side today? How many foxes are so quiet and quiet?
"You guys didn’t go out today?"
"Hee hee, no, we’ve been watching it!" Xiaoxiao replied with a smile on his face and then looked at it again.
"Strange-"Wonder muttered that Liu Fei didn’t think much about dragging his tired body and went back to the bedroom to sleep. Today is really a little tired.
Tick tock, unconsciously, the clock on the wall clock points to two in the morning.
The bright moonlight fell through the bedside window and directly sprinkled on Lu Fei’s face.
In the dark, Lu Fei’s door was gently pushed, and then he saw a figure crept in and was preparing for bed. She didn’t want her body to touch the bed, so Lu Fei suddenly opened her eyes and shouted, "Who!"
"You don’t call! It’s me! " The figure was startled and covered Lu Fei’s mouth. "I’m Xiaoxiao!"
"Xiaoxiao? How are you? " Liu Fei one leng immediately in the mind a joy will xiaoxiao dragged into the bed jokingly laughed "honest metasomatism run my room? Do you want to rob a color? "
"Bah! You want to be beautiful! " Xiaoxiao spat out a pretty face, flushed with instant shame and slightly flustered. "I … I just can’t sleep. Come and see you." And she struggled in Liu Fei’s arms to get out of here.
"Hey-hey-"Liu Fei smiled. Why would Xiaoxiao run away and turn over? She laughed. "You still want to run when you’re in the bowl?"
Xiaoxiao suddenly stopped struggling. In the dark room, Liu Fei held Xiaoxiao tightly and felt a good smell with a faint girl fragrance, and surrounded himself.
Xiaoxiao’s hot body temperature was also passed to his body through their thin clothes.
Bowing their heads and looking at Xiaoxiao with bright moonlight, Liu Fei looked at her red lips and white porcelain, and her delicate skin could not help but feel that her thin red lips seemed to have poor magic and attracted him deeply.
Xiaoxiao saw him and seemed to have guessed what he wanted to do. He couldn’t help burying his head lower. Some long eyelashes were slightly curled and his cheeks were flushed and shy.
Xiaoxiao held out his hand and seemed to want to push Liu Fei, but she seemed to hold back again, so Liu Fei finally kissed her four lips and stuck them firmly together, followed by a greasy tongue that reached into Xiaoxiao’s mouth awkwardly.
Xiaoxiao felt that his head turned white instantly, and the whole person became a pool of mud, so he went straight and was soft in Liu Fei’s arms.
Lu Fei and Xiao Xiao are both trying for the first time. Both of them are very young, but slowly they become skilled.
After a long kiss, Liu Fei felt that a hot heat flow rose slowly from the abdomen like a flame until his heart burned him and he was hot. It was only like this that a kiss seemed to calm it down, but it was like adding fuel to the fire.
He couldn’t help rubbing his hands around Xiaoxiao’s waist, and then slowly went straight to Xiaoxiao’s chest, which was soft
Just hold to Liu Fei has not come to feel Xiaoxiao carefully, but like a startled rabbit, he suddenly woke up and pushed Liu Fei.
"Ah-"Liu Fei covered her mouth with a vague cry, and tears almost fell.
Xiao Xiao just now was probably too exciting to forget that the two were still kissing and almost didn’t bite his whole tongue. Although Lu Fei retracted his tongue when he reacted quickly enough, he was bitten in the corner.
Xiaoxiao saw him this pair of touch kind first dazed, wait until the mood slowly calmed down, and then woke up immediately, covering her mouth and stealing music.
"What a suck! Who told you to be a hooligan and push your luck! Hum! "
Xiaoxiao took a charming white look at Liu Fei’s face, and the flush has not yet retreated, so how attractive it is.

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