"Okay, that’s all I have to say. Do something."

"Well, we’ll talk later." Li Si was eager to deploy the mobile station, so he hung up without greeting each other too much.
Zhu Wei immediately asked, "What about Li Si?"
Li Si’s eyes lit up immediately after he figured it out. He turned around and looked at Dong Si and said, "You go back to the police station and report that a team of important police chiefs of our company disappeared and were kidnapped early this morning."
"You continue to say" director dong nodded.
"After the report was handed in," Li Si turned around. "Zhu Wei immediately told the police station again that you found out that Qin Yu was arrested by Changji Military Intelligence for unknown reasons and didn’t say hello. You actively communicated with each other, and then they ignored our inquiry."
"White" Zhu Wei nodded.
"After you two report to the police station, you won’t dare to say that you will be in a muddle." Lao Li said clearly, "Then you find a new person to let him tell the North Police Station directly that your captain has been kidnapped for no reason. It is the military intelligence department that has quit a team of brothers."
"Isn’t this a bit ignoring the feelings of the police station?" Dong si cautiously woke up and said
"Fuck it," Lao Li scolded with his hand behind his back. "You may give you a head start if you engage in the garrison police station, but they won’t support you if you engage in the long-term military intelligence department! Now we just want to fight the other side for lack of information and let the General Administration personally send it to the Military Intelligence Department, so that the other side will be under pressure. After all, we will kidnap the sheriff-level police officer without saying hello and there is no conclusive evidence in our hands. Then we will dare to talk loudly and ensure that Qin Yu will not be punished first. "
"White" Dong Si nodded.
"After the thing is done, we will go to Changji to see how it is and then decide where to start." Lao Li threw a sentence and stretched out his hand to pay for it
"Li Si, you said we didn’t inform a reporter? !” Zhu Wei suddenly woke up.
Lao Li was stunned. "What are you doing to inform reporters?"
"Because Lin Nianlei was also arrested, I wondered if I could use a media force." Zhu Wei simply responded.
Li Si leng along while immediately stared at his eyes and shouted, "Why didn’t you say something so important when Lin Nianlei was caught? !”
Zhu Wei eyes confused to half a day later weakly replied "she … where is she important? Isn’t it a webcast? It’s a bit of a home in the north, but it doesn’t affect Changji, does it? !”
"You know nothing!" Li Si didn’t good the spirit scolded 1 and walked out. "I’m going out for a trip. Go and do something."
Chapter 332 Can you make use of your strength?
Lao Li of Songjiang City invited Qin Yu to personally call Minister Zhao of Webcast Station to meet him near Tuzha Street.
After waiting for about twenty minutes, Minister Zhao hurried out of the car and said naively, "I ran away in the middle of the meeting. What’s your emergency?"
Actually, Lao Li and Minister Zhao were at most acquaintances before, because the latter was the head office of legal news, and the two sides had had contact, but it was not deep. Every time they met in public, they just chatted a few words at most.
It was not until after the Wu Wensheng incident that Lao Li wanted to hold him as the chief member of Jiangnan District, which made Minister Zhao and Lao Li have frequent contact. Then they dug a hole and made a report through secret cooperation. At this time, Lao Wu was an important force in a big faction and became friends because of their similar personalities.
"It’s urgent." Lao Li turned to look at Minister Zhao. "Do you know what happened to Qin Yu and Lei Lei?"
"What’s the matter?" Minister Zhao is completely blind. "I haven’t been to work since last night except for eating and sleeping."
Lao Li immediately gave the latter a detailed account of what happened last night.
Minister Zhao listened with amazement but didn’t have Qin Yu "What did you say, Lei Lei was also taken away by the gang? !”
"Yes, those MIs may have Lei Lei as an accomplice, and directly took her to Changji." Lao Li nodded.
After listening to Lao Li’s account and thinking carefully for a long time, Minister Zhao suddenly asked, "Do you know about Changji Welfare Home?"
"I don’t know," Lao Li shook his head.
"Don’t play dumb with me," Minister Zhao asked sideways. "You are Qin Yu’s eldest brother. Can you not know that he is making such a big move?"
"No, you misunderstood that this little mother is my big brother now." Lao Li responded with an emoticon. "I’ve been so busy in Jiangnan recently that I gave him all the things on the black street."
"Don’t lie to me," Minister Zhao didn’t believe. "What is the reason why Qin Yu went to a welfare home?"
Lao Li was a chicken thief, so he hesitated for a moment before he said with difficulty, "I can tell you this, which is equivalent to giving my life to you."
"Don’t bullshit," minister zhao straight pie mouth.

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