Fall often shouted at this time, "Li Yan beware of being a refined god."

Li Yan suddenly reacted and quickly grabbed a side dragon crescent moon blade at that blaster and divine power fell.
"Rumble …"
A huge explosion sounded and Li Yan flew out.
Chapter one hundred and thirty-three The boat
A friar in the refining environment suddenly caught a Li Yan by surprise, and the blow was extremely striking, which almost killed a friar in the refining environment. Even the friar in the refining environment had to be afraid, so it can be seen that Liu Dao had a malicious hand and had no mercy at all.
Li Yanfei went more than ten feet away before finally slamming the Gobi, but he soon got up as if nothing had happened.
Liu Dao took one look and said, "It’s really something extraordinary. I said that what part of my group of hands died. You should have stepped into the realm of refining the gods. But I just hit even the monks in the realm of refining the gods, and you were seriously injured. It seems that the handle is blocking the broadsword in front."
Although Li Yan’s face is full of qi and blood, it seems that another mouthful of blood is about to gush out at any time, but he will soon be pressed down. At this time, he can’t let the enemy see that he is in a weak position, or he will be attacked like a storm. Even now, it is hard to resist.
"What a powerful force. Although that divine power was blocked by my dragon crescent moon blade just now, that powerful force still makes people’s blood churn and their hands numb. If this blow falls on my neck just now, I have become a corpse." Li Yan took a look at it and it was just that he woke himself up.
"It seems that a good man is rewarded. Indeed, I didn’t kill him before, but I will surrender. This time, it helped me." Li Yan was lucky, and the body gas dredged the body congestion, and the numbness quickly regained consciousness, and he was able to move freely in an instant.
Fall often looked at the murderous Liu Daoxin andao is not good. "This Liu Daoxin is very powerful. Mangdang Mountain can win few others. How did he suddenly appear here? Did Mu Bai fly out of something or have been killed by him? It’s unlikely that Mu Baifei’s strength is stronger than that of Liu Dao. The other day, he rushed into Mangdang Mountain alone, killed the four leaders, and then confronted the big leaders. Finally, he escaped. Although Mu Baifei was injured now, it was by no means that Liu Dao could slay him. If he really put it together, maybe he would die in Mu Baifei’s hands, but Mu Baifei didn’t die. Then how did Liu Dao appear here? Don’t … "
It suddenly occurred to me that there seems to be another leader who has not appeared.
The most mysterious leader of Mangdang Mountain in Jiuhei.
"Smell this nine-black leader is good at assassination and concealment. Maybe this nine-black has appeared here just now when fighting, but it’s just hiding. Now that nine-black is likely to replace Liu Dao and Mu Baifei. If this is the case, we will be in danger. It’s easy for Liu Dao’s strength to kill us all." Fall often turned slightly pale and didn’t expect to win this 200-person. It never rains but it pours.
Li Yan doesn’t know the specific strength of Liu Dao, but it’s not hard to judge from the blow just now that "this guy’s strength is definitely stronger than that of the rogue named Atie Man before I met him. Before that, I speculated that he was a monk in the middle period of refining God’s territory, which seems even close."
A monk in the middle period of refining God’s realm is absolutely capable of dealing with it unless it is a black cat, which is only possible here.
"I have to think of a feasible way to deal with this once-degree monk’s recklessness and death. Otherwise, it’s hard to live here and all the people will die, and … the girl has gone away. Otherwise, I will be able to deal with this guy’s bad luck if I bait her. I don’t have this condition."
The dragon crescent moon blade in Li Yan’s hand is tight, although I know that this big knife method alone can shake a monk in the middle of refining the gods, but I have to try.
Instead of showing fear, Liu Dao looked like he wanted to fight with himself. He immediately smiled. "I really don’t know what the so-called just practicing monk dared to try to challenge me, or he didn’t escape. I wouldn’t have to chase after me for so long, and it took a lot of money. If you have to hurry, you can cast your magical powers and cut this man’s head."
Thought of here, Liu Dao picked up a long Dao at will. Although it is a mysterious device, it seems to be a knife that kills people and objects in his hands.
"Hey, don’t worry, my knife, but soon you won’t feel pain." As soon as the voice fell, there was a ghosting image left, and his whole person seemed to melt into a streamer, which was not white, but red like blood, with thick blood, as if this person had burst out as soon as ShaQi.
"So fast, it’s just like teleportation." Li Yan’s silver double-pupil light flashes and barely sees this Liu Dao action, but although his eyes can see that if his body can’t keep up with it, he still can’t escape the fate of being beheaded, but a good Li Yan is a sword-practicing monk who wants to have a weapon in his hand and he can swing it thirteen times instantly.
This knife Li Yan speed also reached the extreme, and he dared to meet the lotus flower before it arrived. He didn’t know for sure that he seemed to be really blocked until he felt a strong earthquake in his hand.
"Huh?" Liu Dao’s eyes opened slightly. "Is it good luck to block or is this person really fast enough to block my blow?" Although my avatar didn’t play to the extreme, it’s by no means that a monk in the practice environment can resist such a short distance, let alone the monk in the practice environment and the monk in the refining environment, and I have to slay them. I may not be able to see clearly even if I move. "
But it’s a pity that Li Yan’s eyes have turned silver after eating the second silver-bearded fish. He can see things ten miles away at a glance and things that are extremely fast. Plus, his knife speed is extremely fast. All these conditions add up to Li Yan’s ability to block this Liu Daoyi move
Feeling the sharp breath from the tip of his nose, he could see a knife in front of him. If he was a little slower or his distance was shortened by one step, he would be a corpse.
"Bang ~!" The powerful force once again flew Li Yanzhen out. Although he barely stopped, one mouthful blood finally burst out of his mouth.
The long Dao in Liu Dao’s hand was blown to pieces with a bang because of its excessive strength. He just smiled coldly. "My magical power is called lotus flower instantaneous killing. If I exert my strength to refine my mind at the early stage, the monk will be beheaded by me. Although I didn’t try my best, you can stop it. It seems that I can praise you a few words, but your strength is still too poor. Now I am afraid that my insides have been shocked by me. Hehe, it’s also true that you are a monk who practices spiritual cultivation. You are very fragile."
Li Yan wiped the blood on the corners of her mouth and said, "You should not kill me. Take revenge on the former rogue named Tieman."
He smiled at Liu Dao’s striding "Revenge? Why should I avenge him when he dies? The reason why I killed you is very simple. Because your head is valuable enough, and as far as I know, you seem to have dumpling blood. Hey, I heard that there was a golden dumpling in millions of mountains before, but I met brother Lingyunmen and they almost caught him. It seems that a zombie broke out halfway, which disturbed all this. "
Li Yan’s face changed slightly. I didn’t expect this man to spy on the news so clearly. It seems that he underestimated the intelligence ability of these bandits.
Liu Dao paused and continued, "I didn’t know that you were just a monk in the practice environment who had the ability to get the blood of the golden dumpling. After all, the dragon is also a very strong one. Don’t say that even I dare not hit it. But I found the blood of the dumpling beside your footprints from the Gobi. I doubt that the reason for adding your anger at last has increased several times, which makes me sure that it is the blood of the dumpling. So if you want to hand over the blood, I will consider letting you go without killing you."
Li Yan suddenly sneered, "Are you and I so gullible? I’ve already played with dragon blood. If you still want dragon blood, you can go to the golden dumpling body to get it. "
"No? I don’t believe that I just met Mu Baifei. His injury has been suppressed, and it has improved faintly. As far as I know, the medicine that can cure his injury doesn’t seem to have dragon blood in this remote place. If you are willing to heal his hand with dragon blood, there will be a surplus in it. If you don’t scream, I will personally find it slowly. "
Liu Dao’s palm grabbed a long knife and jumped into his hand.
Li Yan’s heart is still looking dignified. Although he just blocked this man’s knife, it doesn’t mean that he is still sure to block the second knife. If it is miscalculated, it will be death.
"whew ~!" Liu Dao took two steps, and suddenly a blue knife cut across the sky with a powerful power to take him straight.
"Bronze flying knife?" With one open eye, Liu Dao suddenly moved away from this flying knife handle and instantly blew up a deep pit in Gobi behind him.
"What a powerful force. Is that to say, the inscription device? Sure enough, I felt great danger just now. If I avoid my strength from time to time, I even can’t escape being killed. "Liu Dao looked at the woman riding in the distance. If the information is correct, there are three bronze flying knives in this woman’s hands.
"There are two fly knives. It seems that this is their last card." Liu Dao slowed down and his heart was quite fearful

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