Leiqian also wanted to say something but was blocked by Xu’s direct words.

"Well, I promise it won’t happen again."
"Ok, then make a deal." Go ahead, Xu tui.
This a LeiQian again be reluctant "Xu retired because of fear that you have cheat this asteroid is not to tower star!
If you want to trade prisoners, you have to go to the real Tartar! "
Xu back meaningful should be a "it seems that your Eldar integrity is very low! This is not in line with our previous negotiations! "
"Little waste what words! Substitution means substitution, and we are also anti-fraud. We will give you a real position on the tower star, and you will rush to the tower star position to trade! " Hung Lei drink a way
Xu retreated and glanced at Hung Lei, staring at Lei Qian’s virtual projection. "Lieutenant Lei, it seems that you lack some necessary understanding of me!"
"Well, two seconds!" Xu made a snap of his fingers.
In an instant, an Eldar Thunder Department transmutation captive was directly ejected from the supply ship.
Hung Lei Zheng Leiqian reacted for the first time and screamed through the projection. "Stop the horse!"
"stop your dangerous line!"
"Don’t challenge our bottom line!"
In the screaming and screaming of Leiqian, the prisoner of the evolution of the Eldar Leibu once again slammed.
It exploded into a rain of blood and bone, and there were no bones left!
In the projection, LeiQian, who is quite pregnant, is a little distorted when she leaves her angry face!
At the same moment, there are quasi-planets in the place, including the Hung Lei breath department, which locks the retreat.
Great LeiQian command to xu back a thunderbolt!
"Oh, you are the first to challenge my bottom line!"
"Come on, kill me and we’ll be finished together!"
"Very angry, right? I’m more angry! Come and have another one! "
"Two seconds countdown!"
Xu tui made a ring again!
Moment and a figure was ejected from the supply ship.
The projection big screen Lei Qian twisted his face because of anger, and he finished changing his face at the first time. He said sincerely, "Please pause when we make a mistake!"
Chapter six hundred and sixteen Future commanders
This third Eldar Leibu transmutation captive Leiqian quickly changed his face and admitted his mistake, but it didn’t explode!
The two-second countdown was stopped by Xu tui.
At present, these Eldar prisoners are the biggest reliance in Xu tui’s hands, but they can’t go too far.
This time, Xu retired and brought a prisoner out. Two quasi-planets, Lei Wang and Lei Lian, plus a thunder elephant and five transmutations.
At this moment, two have already exploded.
And the more you explode, the less chips you will get back.
Although it is said that the two quasi-planets Lei Xiang are the biggest chips, An Xiaoxue and Qu Qingshan are still trapped, so they have to save some time to return them.
The main purpose of blasting these two prisoners is to frighten the Eldar to show his determination and threaten all the Eldar at the same time. All the ultimate goals have one goal-to get An Xiaoxue and them back.
The third one was ejected, but the Eldar didn’t explode, but no Eldar went to rescue it.
As a result, everyone watched Xu retreat and swaggered over and caught the Eldar captive who was thrown out and nobody cared.
One of the Eldar quasi-planetary stars dares to attack Xu tui!
Xu back so leisurely take back the unexploded captive and threw it back to the supply ship to look at LeiQian again.
"Lei adjutant, I don’t want to have a similar situation. If it is thrown once, it may be Lei Wang, Lei Lian and Lei Xiang. Think about it yourself.
By the way, there is a small video before we continue to close. Please watch one. "
With a wave of his hand, Huang Xu retreated and projected the pre-operation video into the virtual space.
"No, some Eldar prisoners have implanted a little gadget, which will automatically start in two seconds."
This scene makes LeiQian Hung Lei and others want to vomit blood.
No wonder Xu tui is so confident. This is tantamount to controlling the prisoners’ life and death, so that they will be extremely passive in the exchange!
To some extent, it is more urgent for them to exchange prisoners this time!
"That’s it. Anyway, I’m a bad guy myself. If you play black again, it’s a big deal to end up!
Don’t doubt that I was ready for this when I came here!

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