The strength of Soviet Union and Mexico is not enough for the confrontation between the two monarchs.

He can’t bear the pressure of this law alone!
Su Mo’s body burst into flames, and the whole person seemed to be incarnated as a huge fireball, melting everything around and the magic was boiling!
The fireball crashed forward!
This huge fireball, three huge handprints, collided and gave off a burst of roaring noise!
The fireball flame went out a lot.
Then this huge fireball hit the frost wall again.
The frost melts rapidly.
Seeing that this fireball is about to penetrate the past, a sword of light has been cut off, and it is extremely fast and directly comes to the fireball body.
The sword light has gone out before the fireball flame!
Give birth to a sword!
Sword Sect horror sword tactic once again arrival sword was born!
This sword seems to cut off all life outside the fireball!
Su Mo narrowed her eyes and was nervous.
At this time, it is not his fight!
It’s extremely fire, Dao Jun, who fights with a Yuan God and his body, San Dao Jun!
Su Mo’s left wrist Wang Nianzhu’s four marks suddenly emit dazzling light!
The four forces of France and India seem to be integrated. There seems to be an illusory shadow behind Su Mo, sitting cross-legged and solemn!
The body seems to depict all mysterious runes.
Sanskrit sounds
Qiang Qiang!
This sword cuts the virtual image and sounds harsh!
The virtual shadow shook and gradually disintegrated. This sword of extinction is also a success.
This is the first time that Xianjian Daojun didn’t see blood when he released the raw sword tactic!
Although Ji Huo Dao Jun didn’t speak, Su Mo could feel that the situation was beyond Ji Huo Dao Jun’s initial expectation.
They didn’t rush through sex for the first time. Jun and Piaoxue Fairy blocked it, but instead deadlocked it.
The longer it takes, the greater the change!
On the face of the six overlords or the three main roads, they are the weakest and can’t stand the changes!
"The situation is not good, ready to withdraw!"

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