Duan Qirui was transferred from the Fifth Division and the Sixth HunChengLv by Wang Yingjie, and he still took Nanjing for a short time, which once again surprised Wang Yingjie and Zhao Dong Yun.

"There are no guys in the south who miss Nanjing’s 100,000-strong army so much that they can’t even keep it for half a month!" Zhao Dongyun learned that after Duan Qirui conquered Nanjing, he also had some headaches. This Duan Qirui developed much faster than he expected.
"You remember that the ordnance ordered by the two rivers in one month was deducted first, so you said that the output was insufficient and the delivery was made temporarily!" Although Zhao Dongyun knows that Duan Qirui can buy ordnance from foreign firms, it has limited influence on him to buy ordnance from Duan Qirui himself, but this time it can be limited or limited!
Zhao Dongyun frowned and wanted to detain Duan Qirui ordnance, but Duan Qirui acted very quickly. On June 10th, he ordered troops to conquer Zhenjiang on the 20th and conquer the sea on the 24th. Anyway, a southern federal mixed association in Hangzhou was incorporated by him. In just six months, he not only captured the whole south of the Yangtze River, but also marched into many areas such as northern Zhejiang and southern Anhui.
And the southern union army in Liangjiang area can be defeated like a mountain. Since the Nanjing campaign, the rear end and Yinchang root have organized a large-scale interception. If it weren’t for Duan Qirui’s hand troops, they would have to March with two feet. It is estimated that even Zhejiang and Jiangxi would have been taken now.
Duan Qirui’s two rivers sang the song of triumph, and when Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and southern Anhui were about to be completely controlled, Wang Yingkai’s secret envoy also arrived in Shenyang!
Chapter two hundred and forty-three Break the dilemma (a)
"This is a personal letter from my president!" Wang Yingkai sent a secret envoy to give Zhao Dongyun a letter at this time.
Zhao Dongyun stared at this Shi Guihua, the secret envoy of Wang Yingjie, while looking at his look, guessing something in his heart, but it was not easy to see what he looked like when he was appointed by Wang Yingjie as a secret envoy.
Zhao Dongyun also withdrew his line of sight and opened the envelope. But after a while, his expression was slightly changed and he muttered in his heart. It seems that the south of Duan Qirui is really terrible and has made Wang Yingjie uncomfortable.
Wang Yingkai didn’t say much in his letter. The first thing that naturally happened was the "Duan Qirui threat theory", which said that Duan Qirui is now in charge of Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and southern Anhui, and has been supporting 100,000 troops to develop as scheduled. At that time, not only the two rivers, Fujian and Zhejiang, but also Guangdong and Guangxi will fall into the hands of Duan Qirui.
To tell the truth, this is a bit scary, and if you think about it carefully, it is really possible. Now, Duan Qirui Jiangnan is like a duck to water. It not only controls the land of Jiangnan wealth, but also incorporates tens of thousands of people. What Wang Yingkai said in the letter is that Duan Qirui has incorporated a large number of southern defectors. If Duan Qirui is released again, Duan Qirui will continue to capture southern Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong and other places in the south. It is absolutely impossible to stop Duan Qirui’s pace.
Once Duan Qirui continues to control the said areas, Duan Qirui will quickly replace Wang Yingkai and Zhao Dongyun as the largest warlord in Beiyang, which is acceptable to Wang Yingkai.
This is why Wang Yingkai sent someone to Shenyang to contact Zhao Dongyun!
In addition to the Duan Qirui threat theory, the second thing in this letter is that the central government intends to set up a Fujian-Zhejiang tour ambassador and let Zhao Dongyun recommend suitable candidates.
In this second thing, it is said that there are only more than 30 words about Fujian and Zhejiang tour envoys, but Zhao Dongyun knows that this is the condition for Wang Yingkai to come out
A lot of things don’t say that everyone knows that if you want to suppress Duan Qirui dialect, you must get Zhao Dongyun’s approval. Otherwise, if you send troops south to seize Shandong, Anhui and Jiangsu territory, Zhao Dongyun will send troops to attack the capital. If you do, Wang Yingjie can directly hang up the station and throw out a tour of Fujian and Zhejiang. In other words, after Duan Qirui is destroyed, the two rivers will be his, and Wang Yingjie and Fujian and Zhejiang will be Zhao Dongyun’s.
But these are Wang Yingkai’s wishful thinking. There’s an old saying, make friends far away and attack near!
Zhao Dongyun will become his biggest rival no matter how much noise there is in the south of Duan Qirui. The key now is that Duan Qirui didn’t stop his development pace, but Wang Yingkai did.
Zhao Dongyun’s only way to expand his territory is to enter Zhili. Zhao Dongyun’s only way to get a position is to kill Wang Yingkai as president in Duan Qirui. It’s not his turn yet.
For these many people, Duan Qirui naturally looked at the white house. When he actively expanded his territory in the south, his Shenyang envoy also brought a message to Zhao Dongyun.
He is willing to support Zhao Dongyun as president and said that Zhili and Shandong provinces can all be owned by Shenyang.
Duan Qirui and Wang Yingjie sent people to find Zhao Dongyun, and that was to woo Zhao Dongyun, and the move of wooing Zhao Dongyun was also to meet the watch. Wang Yingjie and Duan Qirui had completely torn their faces!
"Now that they have turned their faces, this is a good thing for us!" Xu Bangjie, the latest strategy meeting, made no secret of his radical view that "if you want me to speak, now that Duan Qirui has reacted with Wang Yingkai, we’d better unite with Duan Qirui and then directly send troops into Zhili"
However, Lin Yong did not agree with him. "Although the seventh division in Wang Zhanyuan went to the cave, Wang Yingjie’s main force is still Zhili Jingshi area, and there are more than 40,000 troops. How many casualties do we need to pay to get the capital? How shall we deal with Duan Qirui and Wang Shizhen, as well as Wang Ruxian, Zhang Huaizhi and Wu Fengling, after we get the capital? If you can’t stop it then, won’t you retreat to the mountains and seas again? "
Everyone knows that you are dreaming of joining the army in Fengjun’s dream, but on the first day, Zhao Dongyun led the army into the second king Ruxian, Zhang Huaizhi, Wang Shizhen, Duan Qirui and others, and the troops will reinforce Wang Yingjie in the north to form an anti-Fengjun Coalition for the second time. If Wang Shizhen and Duan Qirui can watch Zhao Dongyun destroy Wang Yingjie and control Zhili and Shandong, they will be indifferent. Lin Yong will write the name upside down!
They can tolerate Wang Yingkai’s control of Gyeonggi as a famous president, because Wang Yingkai’s strength can be said to be very general, and there is not much difference between Wang Shizhen and Duan Qirui. A large part of his control of Gyeonggi depends on prestige.
But if it is Zhao Dongyun, the situation will change greatly. If Zhao Dongyun takes Zhili, Shandong and other provinces, he will immediately become the largest warlord in China, the actual ruler of northern China, and more importantly, Zhao Dong Yunshou’s underground troops far surpass other warlords at present.
Zhao Dongyun had three divisions and five brigades in the field army last year, and recently it was reported that Zhao Dongyun had expanded the field troops of one division and two brigades one after another, and all of them were reaching 100,000. You know, this 100,000 is not Duan Qirui’s 100,000, and Duan Qirui’s 100,000 has at most 40,000 yuan to pull the battlefield. Wang Shizhen and Wang Yingjie are not much better there. The remaining bases are all around 30,000 people, and all of them are just a few.
Zhao Dongyun’s 100,000 troops are all equipped with a large number of light and heavy weapons and well-trained military forces, which are not the same as those local troops that have been hastily pulled up.
Zhao Dongyun’s strong military pressure was experienced last year. They fought against Zhao Dongyun’s entry into the army, but it was only after they got out of the Coalition that they were able to stop it. Otherwise, Zhao Dongyun’s boots would have set foot in the capital.
Now let Zhao Dongyun, who has strong military strength, occupy Zhili and Shandong provinces and then control the central words, then they will not live and hang on directly.
Now the situation is that Wang Yingkai, who is powerful in the south of Duan Qirui, can win over Zhang Huaizhi to suppress Duan Qirui, Wang Shizhen and Wang Ruxian, Wu Fengling. They also turn a blind eye to Wang Yingkai’s move.
But on the other side, Zhao Dongyun, if he tries to take advantage of this opportunity, the warlords in the south will not hesitate to go to Wang Yingkai’s side to form another anti-Zhao Coalition to take Zhao Dongyun back to the outside. They have done this once before, and it is not difficult to do it again and again.
Several warlords in Beiyang, especially Duan Qirui and Wang Shizhen, believed that Wang Yingkai was an enemy, but Zhao Dongyun was also an enemy!
"Now we still shouldn’t act rashly. Let’s discuss the candidates for Fujian and Zhejiang tour readers, and we will be one!" As we all know, the topic of candidates for Fujian and Zhejiang tour is a false name, which is different from that of Zhang Huaizhi and Anhui. However, Zhang Huaizhi led the troops to take northern Anhui and actually took control of this area, and then Wang Yingkai ordered him to serve as Anhui’s governor.
However, the Fujian and Zhejiang tour ambassadors say that the southern part of Zhejiang and Fujian are still in the southern part of the country, while the northern part of Zhejiang is under the federal control of Duan Qirui. No matter who the leader sends to be the Fujian and Zhejiang tour ambassador, it is a puppet in name only, and it has no practical significance as the former Zhou Fu tour ambassador in Guangdong and Guangxi. If you don’t want to be a puppet, you have to let people take troops with you, but Duan Qirui will promise to let Zhao Dongyun’s troops go to Zhejiang. Yeah, and Wang Yingkai agreed to let Zhao Dongyun send troops to occupy the territory in the south? These are all improbable thing!
However, although it is meaningless to be a puppet, it can reveal a meaning that Zhao Dongyun recommended Fujian and Zhejiang to make this move express Zhao Dongyun’s acquiescence in Wang Yingkai’s suppression of Duan Qirui.
"Now it’s getting more and more chaotic over there, no matter if it’s chaotic, we have to do it or practice hard so as to cope with the future changes!" Zhao Dongyun just didn’t stop this long military meeting after he said it.
A large group of generals discussed for more than two hours, and although various plans were made, no one dared to say that they were sure to win the possible Coalition forces after entering.
"It seems that relying solely on force is the law to solve the problem!" Zhao Dongyun looked at Zhao Dongping and then said, "Go to the south and talk to Duan Qirui!"
Zhao Dongping said, "Are we really going to join hands with Duan Qirui?"
Zhao Dongyun nodded. "Now this situation must bring Zhili at any cost, otherwise we will be trapped outside. Didn’t Duan Qirui want to occupy the southern provinces? Tell him to promise to join hands with us to give it to him."
"Will he?" Zhao Dong plane dew worry!
Zhao Dongyun’s face is grim. "Tell him again that if he doesn’t join hands with me, I will join hands with Wang Pang!"
Looking at Zhao Dongyun’s look, Zhao Dongping also looked serious and immediately said, "Third brother, don’t worry, I will leave tomorrow!"
Facing the increasingly complicated situation in China, Zhao Dongyun’s mentality is also changing gradually. Since France relies on expanding its military strength to gain absolute military superiority, it relies on political superiority. Last year, Wang Yingkai could win over Duan Qirui and others to form a Coalition to take Zhao Dongyun back to the outside world. He could also win over Duan Qirui and them to form a Coalition to kill Wang Yingkai.
If Duan Qirui doesn’t agree, then he doesn’t mind putting himself down and completely falling to Wang Yingkai. If Wang Yingkai is unified, he will be unified himself. When Wang Yingkai forms a military alliance, he will clean up Duan Qirui, Wang Shizhen and the Confederacy one by one.
After the reunification, one’s prestige may not be much worse than that of Wang Yingkai, and one may not be able to compete with Wang Yingkai politically.
Who dares to say that he can’t take the presidency and control China?
Modern political struggle is no longer the ancient mode of farming for hegemony. The so-called "wide grain accumulation and slow kingship" is no longer feasible. To be a country’s top leader, you don’t have to train a million troops yourself and then sweep the country. You can also take a roundabout way. Look, Sun Wen has a Mao army under his hand. It’s not the same as being an interim president.
So Zhao Dongyun doesn’t plan to farm in the three northeastern provinces for decades, and then the enemy will wait for you to storm hundreds of thousands of soldiers and then enter the three northeastern provinces. Strategically speaking, if you don’t take Zhili, it will be a death. The longer you stay, the more tragic it will be. Many people will say that the terrain in the western Liaoning corridor is good, but if you keep others here, you will enter the three northeastern provinces. It’s amazing that Zhang Lin is the second, well, maybe it will be Zhang Xueliang’s second.
And Zhao Dongyun wants to climb to the top of the presidency, he wants to control Gyeonggi, and he wants to get rid of the warlords in the south one by one, even if he is in harmony with the enemy.
Chapter two hundred and forty-five Break the dilemma (2)
War traces can still be seen in the former governor’s office of the two rivers in Nanjing, and now the visiting ambassador’s office of the two rivers. Large pieces of rubble and scattered shell casings can be seen everywhere, telling people that a cruel battle happened here not long ago.
When the fourth division invaded Nanjing, there was a fierce battle between the Governor’s Mansion and the Confederate army. Finally, two artillery pieces had to be transferred to bomb the Governor’s Mansion directly. Only then did it attack the Governor’s Mansion and wipe out the remnants of the enemy. Although the Governor’s Mansion was cleaned up from time to time, it was badly damaged. In a short time, it was only a few courtyards that he was still in ruins.
In this regard, Duan Qirui stayed in this building with strong political significance on the same day after arriving in Nanjing.
Just as Wang Yingjie lived in the Yiluan Hall in Xiyuan and Zhao Dongyun lived in the Governor’s Mansion of the three northeastern provinces, he lived in the Governor’s Mansion of Liangjiang in Duan Qirui, and he was a patrol ambassador of Liangjiang to be worthy of the name.
But even if he lives in the governor’s office of Liangjiang, what is it that he is still not worthy of the name? Because of his tour of the two rivers, he actually controls Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and southern Anhui. Although these areas, especially Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang, are rich in sugarcane, he is not as good as Zhang Huaizhi in terms of the actual area of this control area
In order to win over Zhang Huaizhi and curb Duan Qirui Wang Yingkai, Zhang Huaizhi was directly pushed to the position of Anhui governor, and it also led Zhang Huaizhi to control Shandong and Anhui provinces now.
Without Anhui and Jiangxi provinces, you can’t be called the "Two Rivers Tour".
"Would you like to join hands with my guard in Anhui and Jiangxi provinces?" Dong-ping Zhao seemed to say the word calmly, and his beard shook and became warped as he spoke.
Duan Qirui is also looking at Zhao Dongping at this time. He and Zhao Dongyun have been fighting for several years. He knows something about Zhao Dongyun’s military and civilian officials. Maybe he is a stranger in the civil service, but he is no stranger to this Zhao Dongping. This person has the same characteristics as Su others. That is, this person is Zhao Dongyun’s cousin. For many years, in addition to serving the military purse, many people know that he is Zhao Dongyun’s private representative.
Zhao Dongyun’s external contacts over the years, especially private external contacts, are all based on Zhao Dongping’s commitment to woo Zhang Lin and other bandits in his early years. It was he who came forward to do arms business with the two countries during the Russo-Japanese War, and it was he who gave bribes when he entered Beijing for the post of General Shengjing. This time, Zhao Dongyun actually sent his cousin to Nanjing. It is already conceivable what Zhao Dongyun wants to do.
Duan Qirui pondered, "It is natural that Anhui and Jiangxi provinces are two rivers and return to my hands, but it is too much for your commander to ask for Zhili, Shandong and Henan provinces!"
Zhao Dongping still looks dull. "Zhili is my ambition to serve the army and Shandong and Henan. If I serve the army and take a Zhili and Shandong and Henan all fall into other people’s hands, then what’s the difference between me and the army?" Do you think that more than 100,000 soldiers in the army will agree? "
Zhao Dongping continued, "And Duan Dashuai, don’t be in a hurry to oppose it. Listen to me first. Before I came, my guard once told me that if Duan Dashuai is interested, it is not necessary to raise the first army soldiers in Fujian and Zhejiang in the future!"

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