British National Day Memorial Day is based on the birthday of the current king. Edward VII Memorial Day happens to be in March, which is less than one and a half months away from the National Day Memorial Day. If it is to be implemented, it must be implemented immediately.

As soon as William II ordered the black shark captain Steven Berger, who was planned by ludendorff, to command the operation, the whole black shark dispatched more than 100 people, and more than half of the black shark elites sneaked into England one after another in a meticulous conspiracy.
Alice Maud Mary, the castle of Dellan, England, is doing her own elaborate work. It is the National Day that all members of the royal family must attend the ceremony, so that they can have a good performance. Alice Maud Mary has taught her manners for a whole day. The little guy is just six or seven years old, but he is tortured by the princess.
It was only in the evening that Alice Maud Mary was satisfied and stopped coming. This is his own son. This is his own person. His own generation has also worked hard.
Alice felt a little tired and was about to take her son to rest when suddenly there was a sound in the yard.
Alice was shocked and looked back to see a man in black appeared in front of her!
"Game-writing protocol! It’s you! You, how did you jump in from the wall! "
Alice exclaimed.
Since that time, Zhang Yi has handed over Alice to the British Security Department. Although there are not many meetings, there is no suggestion of calm personality. It makes Alice feel that he is the most trustworthy person in Britain, saying that he was Zhang Yi’s most hardcore friend and loyal follower!
Every time Alice appears, it is a time when she faces a problem. If she appears, any problem will be solved as if this person knows magic.
Nothing is better than saying "sister-in-law"
Alice turns red, although she has some habits, but every time she calls him like this, she will always remember Zhang Yi’s sweetness together.
Alice asked, "What’s the matter?"
Than replied, "Sister-in-law, I got the news in private. There may be some unexpected situations on the National Day anniversary in 2008. I hope you don’t take Yu Tian’s nephew to the National Day anniversary …"
Alice smiled at once. "Thank you so much, but you are a little nervous. Our British Empire intelligence agencies and police agencies are not giving away the commemoration for nothing. There will be no problem at all. You are worrying too much."
There is something anxious in her eyes. "But the defense plan can’t be perfect. Even our instructors have encountered assassinations in your Britain. Those defense forces are even worse. But you must never take risks, especially when Yu Tian’s nephew is only a few years old!"
Alice bit her lip and replied, "Thank you so much, but do I have to attend such an event, Princess Imperial? Is this my situation worse or is there a lot of protection?" Don’t worry, those security guards will protect our NianLia. "
Seeing that Alice had made up her mind, she sighed and immediately said, "Since my sister-in-law is determined to attend, please allow me to protect you and my nephew personally, otherwise I really can’t put my heart at rest."
Alice frowned and replied, "This … is that according to our security regulations, unidentified people are not allowed to appear around the royal family …"
Than urgent way "no, if you don’t allow me to personal protection, I will never allow you to attend. Once something happens, I can’t tell the instructor! If you don’t allow me, I’ll die in front of you. You know I mean what I say! "
Alice shook her head in annoyance and replied, "well, in that case, I’ll try to communicate with the security department and allow you to come to my side for protection!" "
"No, it’s not that I have another person, two people to protect you and Yu Tian’s nephew. The strength of one person is limited. I need you and I have to win two places!"
Than a firm answer.
"all right! I really don’t know why you are so nervous. Will our British imperial defense force be inferior to yours? "
Alice grumbled discontentedly. This is Zhang Yi’s best assistant. His opinion is that it’s hard to refute. What’s worse, he threatens himself with his life?
Alice immediately went back to the house and picked it up. She asked the security department to increase two security posts to protect herself, and the personnel must have their own designation. Although the security minister was a little unhappy, it was not too difficult to face Alice’s request. Anyway, it was the princess hall. Can the princess still destroy the imperial security?
After handling things, nothing is better than leaving.
Emperor shrine
It’s a different story. Sitting around is the most important backbone of the Imperial Shrine, and even the elite forces brought from Cang Lang and Tribulus terrestris. These people have become the elders of the Imperial Shrine and will never show up at ordinary times.
Mo Rushen said, "This time, William II’s madness is too big. This guy is a madman, but it is really hard to understand that he has got the support of the instructor!"
Aside Su Rong said, "Well, since it’s the instructor’s decision, we have implemented it, but we don’t need to participate in the retreat of the black shark. It’s not impossible for us to do this with the powerful power of the emperor shrine. It’s impossible for us to ensure that our sister-in-law and nephew are safe."
Than cold way "day Li Jihuan with me to protect Alice Maud Mary and nephew Ann absolutely can’t have an accident outside also arrange a few of us once found someone aimed at the princess can shoot!"
Although Alice is a princess, after all, she is not a king. If she is not so prominent, she will definitely not be the first target. It is hard to say that the first round of assassination target will not have him in the face.
Mo Ru went on to say, "Su Rongtian, I personally protect the Princess Mother Nadi Shrine, and you will be responsible for all actions. You must be careful to help the Germans and pay attention to the safety of the Emperor Shrine!"
Chapter one thousand one hundred and ninety-three Tears of blood in England
The whole of London was in a state of celebration because of the National Day anniversary, and there was joy everywhere.
The royal government of Buckingham Palace also held a large-scale celebration ceremony. According to the usual practice, King Edward VII will give a speech to representatives from all walks of life in the square, and Prime Minister Sevan will also give a speech.
The security forces at Buckingham Palace are more guarded than usual, because the war is raging across the European continent in wartime, and accidents may occur at any time. In particular, Sevan has received a little token of his intention, and it is a small gesture to be here to attend the ceremony. Either the British dignitaries or the diplomatic envoys of various countries have a prominent position. That is absolute forbearance.
But even if their guards are strong and meticulous, there are always flaws. Worse, they are facing the most powerful special forces in the world. Although the black shark is not Cang Lang, its fighting power is definitely one of the best. Ordinary people will find them disguised and hidden.
On the podium, Edward VII is giving a speech. The back row of seats belongs to the royal family, the opposite row of seats is the senior government officials, and the two high platforms are the envoys of various countries.
At this time, a sniper rifle was exposed in the houses around the Grand Square, which was able to enter England for better execution. The black sharks took all the sniper rifles and submachine guns apart, and the Japanese shrine took a large number of grenades and set them up to tear London upside down.
With the sound of a sniper rifle and gun, Edward VII’s body shook and fell behind him, and a huge bullet hole was quickly added. Even his forehead had been blown up, and the sniper bullet still had a powerful lethality hundreds of meters away.
The people around you haven’t reacted yet, and the guns are more encrypted. One by one, senior British royal government officials fell to the ground.
The whole square was completely in chaos. The attack was an attack. There were a lot of armed groups nearby.
At this time, Sevan was almost crazy. Fortunately, he was prepared to escape, but his shoulder was still shot and his shoulder blades were almost broken by bullets. But now he doesn’t care about his physical trauma. King Edward VII was killed by a blow, and Wang Weilian was also killed by a blow. At least several members of the royal family died. On the side of government ministers, it was also chaotic and there were many casualties
Damn it, damn it, the security minister, damn it, the security department will shoot the first one once the attack is over, and he will not be burned at the stake.
The whole square, together with the city of London, was in chaos. Teams of guards, police departments rushed out and attacked the armed distribution. Even the king was dead. Now the security minister Romansville has died and has already had himself. Of course, all the armed forces must be distributed and killed before he dies. Never let go of one.
However, almost all black sharks are masters with strong combat power. The weapons in their hands are more advanced than the firepower. If you want a gun, you will definitely have a guard or a policeman. In the blink of an eye, the square is already littered with bodies.
At this time, Yu Tian will be held in her arms tightly and watched warily around. Li Jihuan will protect Alice Maud Mary tightly. Two people behind her are holding a custom-made eagle pistol of the Republic of China and constantly playing suspicious guns around to protect the mother and two people. Nothing can happen. This is the instructor’s solemn statement that the mother and two people must be strictly protected, content with others’ love and death, and it has reached the limit if they can’t wake up one thousand.
After more than half an hour, the whole Buckingham Palace finally fell into silence. However, the tragic death of the dead body in Buckingham Palace Square shows how tragic the battle just happened here. It is so sad that it has done great harm to Britain. Some important members of the royal family almost died or were seriously injured. Alice Maud Mary escaped from the disaster, and many people were seriously injured in the government. In addition to the killing of the minister of government and the minister of industry and commerce, the whole British leadership has been seriously damaged. In the future, Britain will be in great turmoil.
At this time, Sevan had just made a hasty explosion with a thick bandage on his shoulder, but he had to recuperate and he had to deal with the attack urgently. In front of Sevan, the security minister Romansville was sweating profusely.
"Bastard bastard Romansville, you still have face. Why don’t you die right now? You have no face to live in the world. You should go to hell, you loser."
Sevan choked back severe pain and roared angrily, kicking Romansville to the ground. The severe pain made Sevan grin aside. Foreign Minister Johnson quickly stopped Sevan and said, "Sevan is not dealing with Romansville yet. When the situation is chaotic, we should not rely on Romansville to deal with the follow-up matters."
Romansville rolled up and growled, "Sevan Johnson doesn’t want you two to deal with me. Once I finish this matter, I will shoot myself. I beg you to give me this chance so that I can wash a soldier and be humiliated or I will die unsatisfied."
"Cut the crap and say what’s going on now."
Romansville’s face was dark and low. "There are not 50 armed cover personnel involved in this attack, and all the fighting forces are super strong. It is definitely not that ordinary killers and soldiers can do it. At the very least, the police also have 100 people dead. There are still 100 people injured in their hands, and more than 20 people have been killed. None of them have been captured. He sneaked into London and other places. We are trying to search for them."
"No one has been caught alive in Romansville, and you have the face to live. The face of the British Empire has been lost. You have completely thrown the British Empire into shame. There has never been such a thing in the history of the British Empire."
Chapter one thousand and ninety-four Swimming across the English Channel
Sevan lost a lot of blood and was stimulated by Romansville’s words. If Johnson didn’t mix himself with fear, he would have fainted. Sevan swore, "Immediately mobilize all the people in the security department, dispatch all the troops in London, and don’t let go of all the houses. Even if you dig three feet, dig out the enemy and get out!"
At night, the loss was finally counted out. The casualties of foreign envoys were very small, only three or four envoys were slightly injured in this operation, but the royal family was different. Almost all the casualties were intact, leaving Alice’s mother, who was either seriously injured or killed. Only a few people were slightly injured by politicians, and the number of casualties was also small. Secretary of the Navy Churchill was almost shot off by others. * * * * * A huge bullet hole appeared in his crotch and almost passed by!
This is an attack on the British empire, and it’s a dead lock on the British empire!
Germany apart from Germany, there will never be a second country that has such a great hatred for Britain and such a powerful ability at the same time!
Even if there is no evidence in hand, Sevan has already locked the murderer into William II of the German Empire!
Princess Alice is now regretful and about to commit suicide. Regret, regret, and no meaning is like warning. If you tell the security minister Romansville the redeployment of Buckingham Palace will never be caught by the enemy!

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