Because Christie’s tank suspension is designed by the principle of spring stress, this suspension body part accounts for a large number, which also makes the body part of the 34 tank and the German Leopard Tiger tank, which is mainly produced by arcado, somewhat messy, which affects the placement of ammunition storage equipment.

This is also arcado’s own hearsay that "the myth of 34 tanks" is misleading. When it leads to the fact that the structure is simple and the interest rate is simple, the torsion bar suspension is generally recognized by everyone as a tank suspension method.
What is ridiculous is that at another time, Nazi Germany produced tiger tanks and leopard tanks, which were criticized for their suspension system. It was the American 1 main battle tank, German Leopard 2a6 main battle tank, China 99 main battle tank, Russian 72 main battle tank, and the mythical 34 tank was completely eliminated by using Christie suspension.
What could have happened? In fact, this depends on the German own suspension design. German tanks are indeed more advanced, simple and reliable suspension system, but they have changed a simple and advanced suspension body beyond recognition because of their own persistence and necessity.
To put it simply, the torsion bar suspension must be placed in the wrong position of the load wheels on both sides, which needs to cross the whole car body. This also causes such a "problem" that the load wheels on both sides of the tank are asymmetrical. Of course, this asymmetry does not affect daily use, but it is simply a way for Nazi German designers to endure "disaster" at another time.
As we all know, in another time, Tiger and Leopard tanks adopted staggered load-bearing wheel structure, which was forced to adopt due to insufficient rubber weighing capacity at the edge of the load-bearing wheel. That is to say, Germany must try its best to limit the length of the car body and install more load-bearing wheels to support the weight of the whole tank. For the torsion bar structure, engineers need to install more torsion bars-as many as 16 Tiger and Leopard torsion bars, so that the advantages of the simple structure of the torsion bar are immediately lost.
Of course, another reason that complicates the tiger and leopard walking mechanisms is that Hitler and German designers found them themselves-they couldn’t stand the asymmetry of their tank load wheels, so they took measures to make the complicated staggered load wheels symmetrical left and right … Isn’t it beautiful? Isn’t it a surprise? So many Virgo German designers and leaders have appeared together in the history of World War II in Germany, which really makes people want to cry.
The problem of small horse-drawn cart with tiger tank body engine and gearbox failure has also caused an illusion that later scholars have fallen into a misunderstanding. 34 The tank structure is simple and there are few failures, while the tiger tank structure is complex and there are many failures. This is really a very wrong argument.
If we deeply investigate the technology of a German tank in World War II, we will immediately draw a strange circle for ourselves and let ourselves fall into the "evil road" of tank performance.
German smelting technology developed and found a process called surface hardening treatment, which improved the quality of German tank armor to a higher level, but at the cost that this surface hardening process in Germany would increase the weight of metal-similar to the martial arts novels, the different densities of steel will naturally affect the weight.
Therefore, the high protection and the weight of German tanks have risen to a new height. In addition, the double torsion bar of staggered load wheels has brought weight bonus. At that time, German tanks all had an incredible weight. Of course, the benefits brought by double-row staggered load wheels are beyond doubt, and the comfort and stability of tanks are incomparable.
I don’t know if you feel that these performance improvements are all good. The tank armor is thicker, and the walking gear is also better. Of course, if the German tank gun has always been aiming at Germany, we will find that the tank limit is close to the word "perfect". So now a new problem comes-the armor is stronger, the walking gear is more comfortable, and the gun power is also superior. Does this tank really have no shortcomings?
Naturally, the soft underbelly is the engine and gearbox of Tiger and Leopard tanks, which makes the tanks have extraordinary maneuverability. These two tanks are equipped with engines with strong power and excellent performance. However, in those days, the performance improvement brought about a straight drop in reliability, and the failure rate was extremely high. Then another fatal problem appeared, which reflected the fuel consumption. The nickname "Oil Tiger" did not get a hollow reputation.
If you buy a car, it feels great to drive, and the safety is perfect, and the beautiful appearance is enough for you to show your noble position, then is this car really perfect? Is it expensive to repair the car? Did you vomit blood when you bought a car? Is the fuel consumption per 100 kilometers tearful? You may be rich without these shortcomings, but have you ever thought about what kind of disaster it is when you have ten thousand such cars and have to use them every day? At that time, Hitler and his logistics department were faced with such a disaster, and they lost without injustice.
At this time, the Germans did not fall into a terrible circle. Their tank weight has always been very good and their bulletproof appearance has made up for the armor thickness to some extent. At this time, German tanks are steadily moving towards the concept of main battle tanks, not towards heavy tanks.
Hitler dug a hole and jumped back. He bought the patent of Christie suspension system and kept it strictly confidential. The new German tanks, leopard and tiger, made this kind of suspension very backward, and he felt complacent that he simplified the German tanks and reduced the failure rate.
When German engineers don’t have to talk about "left-right symmetry", when German engineers don’t have to sigh about the rubber quality at the edge of the load wheel, they naturally find a tank suspension system that is more suitable for war, that is, it is suspended by a torsion bar that has proved its superiority.
Arcado, a layman, was also stunned by the later calculation data. At this time, he realized that the so-called "34 myth" was sometimes not all true. He admitted his mistake and made the design of the German first-generation tank Tiger King decisive and made the torsion bar more advanced.
At present, the most advanced 34 tank in the Soviet Union has also suspended the torsion bar and advanced the rear gearbox. This tank also has inclined armor plates, excellent bulletproof appearance and 76 mm caliber guns, which can also threaten the early production of Leopard tanks in Germany at a distance of 5 meters, and finally has the strength of German tank forces.
Today, Stalin arrived here to inspect the production situation of the whole factory and personally painted the last piece of paint for the first type 34 tank on the production line, surrounded the first advanced type 34 tank in the Soviet Union, and was immediately put on a train and sent to the front line of Ukraine to participate in the new counterattack.
This time, the Soviet Union transferred 50,000 troops from the Far East and dispatched them to the front line. All the troops were well prepared. The Soviet high-level officials knew exactly what would happen if Ukraine was out of control for a long time, where the anti-Soviet wave was stronger than expected.
With the battle-hardened soldiers and equipped with new weapons, the Soviet Red Army can be described as a certain amount of money this time. Stalin decided not to let politicians intervene this time. He prepared a real military commander for the frontline million-strong army.
Chapter 552 552
The Soviet Union’s economic construction was not slow. On the contrary, due to many reasons, the speed of Stalin’s era was very fast, and the Soviet Union made great efforts in railway construction. Instead of hiring German engineers, their own technicians led the design and construction of a railway crossing the whole of trans-siberian railway.
This railway extends from Kiev in Europe to the Far East. It is a pity that the whole Soviet Union crosses the east-west artery. Unfortunately, this railway is not a European standard, but it made the railway standard backward during the Tsarist Russia period. Building this railway has its own head and wagons, which is almost an independent operation of a traffic trunk line.
At this time, the railway tracks in China and the Soviet Union were divided into two parts. The first part was the old Russian railway tracks, while most of the western part of the Soviet Union were German and European new railway tracks. The two sets of railway tracks did not coincide with the principle of waste and profit, and the Soviets still combined the two sets of railway tracks.
Of course, the two kinds of rails are not as simple as different widths, and the number of sleepers in 100 meters is also different. In the Russian era, the rail standard was very short-sighted. The load-bearing structure of the rails was too simple and the transportation weight was very limited. However, the backward railway design standard also had an advantage that the cost was cheaper, which enabled the Soviet Union to lay more railways to solve the "ownership" problem.
Like China, where everything was in ruins, now the Soviet Union is more concerned about not improving, but changing from pursuing quality, which is not the key point. Whether something can be produced to fill a blank field is the problem of everyone’s heart.
The train is very desolate and the plain is speeding, and it is easy to hypnotize people with the crash of the wheels hitting the rail junction. However, at this moment, the people on this train are not in the mood to sleep because they are soldiers from the Far East of the Soviet Red Army heading to the western front.
This train is different from other trains. The soldiers in this train are all armed, which means that they are responsible for some security guards besides being sent to the front line in western Ukraine, because this train is also equipped with two 34 tanks that have just gone through the production line.
In the penultimate carriage at the end of the train sat an elegant Soviet officer, who was studying a map of Soviet Ukrainian provinces in detail from his position, while on the other side of his desk was another map filled with German annotations.
This Soviet officer was just ordered to take over Lieutenant General zhukov, the general commander of Timoshenko’s army near Ukraine. He was appreciated by Stalin for his outstanding performance in the Battle of Nomenkan and promoted to Lieutenant General of the Red Army. Then he was transferred to Ukraine to direct this counterattack because of the tight western front.
"Look at this map of the war captured from the Germans …" zhukov pointed to the map of the table and told his staff that his tone was full of worries and it seemed that he had despaired of the deployment of the western front.
The map of the war captured from the body of a company commander in Germany is not complete, but it records the road conditions. The important information of the nearby areas is several times more detailed than that of the Soviet army. Obviously, German spies have secretly drawn detailed maps in some areas, and the suspected geomorphological features are German engineers who helped the Soviets build railways.
"It was premeditated. The Germans had been preparing to invade us since 193. At that time, we were stupid enough to share the western part of the Soviet Union with others." zhukov shook his head and said with some disappointment, "It was a desperate war."
The expression of the war staff combined with the German local military war map is not natural. Of course, he knows that this detailed war map needs to be drawn. Takuya knows how perfect the war can be according to this detailed map.
However, he still persuaded, "General, after all, we have local military advantages and new weapons are put into the battlefield. Now the international situation is also more favorable to us. After all, American participation in the war is something we have been looking forward to, isn’t it?"
The staff officer doesn’t know that the Soviet p4 fighter unit has suffered heavy losses in Ukraine, and he doesn’t know that not only the Soviet Union and the Germans have also shown their new equipment on the battlefield, but also that the German new equipment has advantages. The a152 fighter is obviously much better than the American p4 fighter.
Although the overall performance of the 34 tank of this train is better than that of the 4 Sherman tank in the United States this year, it is still at the level of the German Leopard tank, and it is still far from the thicker armor and the more powerful artillery. There is definitely an insurmountable gap for the Tiger tank. It is obviously unrealistic to expect the 34 tank to challenge the technical superiority of the German armored forces.
Of course, confidence must be full. This is a matter of attitude. The commander of the Soviet Red Army has been frightened by the unfinished purge. He dare not say anything that goes against Stalin’s ideas. This is a means to save his life and people still have the ability.
If the United States had not been forced to fight in Japan, the Soviet Union would have shaken hands with Germany by now. Zhukov thought that he was not in favor of attacking Germany before, but he also knew that it would be more difficult for the Soviet Union to delay the war against Germany.
From this military map, he saw Germany’s deliberate efforts and the quality gap between the grass-roots officers and men of the two sides. I am afraid it is very difficult for the commanders of the Soviet Red Army company to investigate the nearby topographic map themselves. Many Soviet grass-roots commanders have not received a good military education, and they have the courage to think with their beliefs. The main things are left to the generals.
Ideally, it is not necessary to do so, but the purge held high the banner of loyalty and killed most of the intelligent officers and generals, which also created a terrible fact. Most people in the Soviet army could not fight with their brains, and they were as clumsy as a bear, but they could not make it.
There are a group of generals who can’t think, a group of middle-level officers who can’t think, and a group of soldiers with low educational level who can’t think-such an army has to face a high-tech army with the highest level of professionalism and education in the world, which makes people feel desperate.
Zhukov poured himself a glass of water and looked out the window at the scenery. His motherland has such a vast territory, which is the highest honor that several ancestors have been striving to expand. But now he doubts whether he has the ability to hold this territory and let his descendants continue to give birth to this beautiful land.
"Send a newspaper to Comrade Stalin and tell him that if possible, I hope to stop this attack, strengthen our frontier defense and stick to the existing position." zhukov finally said to his staff after thinking for a few minutes. "Speak frankly, I am not sure about the attack. I hope that our diplomats can end this war at the negotiating table."
"General …" The staff member was stunned after hearing zhukov’s words, and then woke up his own chief. "We may have to be court-martialed for doing this to Moscow …"
"I’d rather be sent to Siberia or Moscow and shot than be tried after ruining 10 thousand Red Army soldiers!" Zhukov firmly said, "This is my choice and my strength!"
The staff nodded his head, and he also felt that he might still have a way out. If Comrade Stalin was sent to Siberia for offending him, there was at least a chance. However, if the command of the war failed and a large number of personnel and materials were destroyed, it would not be as simple as going to Siberia. Maybe it would even harm his wife, children and even the youngest.
He went to another carriage to deliver the newspaper, and zhukov picked up the military map. Once again, he looked closely at the German front battlefield and tried to laugh at the occupied part of the Ukrainian region. This was the most desperate place for him.
To tell the truth, he is not afraid of the German army’s March. After all, the German army’s crazy advance can’t threaten the vast hinterland of the Soviet Union. Even if he loses Moscow, he is confident of winning the war. For the Soviet Red Army, it is simply a sure bet to consume German armored forces with land. The same rapid attack will definitely bring greater and more convenient opportunities for the Soviet Union to counterattack.
However, the German strategic planner is a genius, which makes Germany not be carried away by the border victory, but slowly stop the Ukrainian border, deploy defense lines along the Dnieper River, shorten the defense lines of the German army and the Romanian army, and deploy defense bodies along the river, which is almost impregnable.
At this stage, the Soviet troops have no strength to ensure the success of their troops crossing the Dnieper River, and there is no way to ensure that their troops will not be greeted by their heads after crossing the Dnieper River. zhukov thinks it is very unwise to counterattack at the end of May this year. He thinks it can be postponed until the end of July or even the end of the month.
The reason is very simple. The campaign will continue until the cold winter comes in Ukraine. At that time, it is time for Soviet troops to be good at winter warfare, and those advanced tanks and planes in Germany will be greatly reduced in their power to adapt to the cold weather in the Soviet Union.
Chapter 553 553 Action
An unknown beetle climbed over a green leaf, which frolicked and worried, stretched its tentacles and looked at the world that it was not familiar with.
It climbed over the green leaves and then jumped into an iron pipe wrapped in cloth. The iron pipe kept crawling, and it didn’t know it was a rifle, let alone that a German soldier was carrying it at this time.
The helmet of this German soldier has been modified, covered with canvas and covered with camouflage net, and can be decorated with local camouflage. Moreover, the whole helmet is neither reflective nor painted with camouflage closest to this season. The German soldier has been integrated with the whole grass and the whole bush, just like a stone, as if the root is lifeless.
A cold face is looking at the most dangerous area across the street through the scope. Three German soldiers were shot dead by Soviet Red Army guns a few days ago. According to his judgment, all three soldiers were killed by snipers. Judging from the wounds and open areas, they are unlikely to be ambushed by regular troops.
Familiar with a single shot, familiar with a bullet in the body, familiar with two people falling together, and a third person dying in the distance. If he did it, it would be exactly the same as everything here.
He can even guess what kind of sniper the other side is. First, he killed the soldier with Mao Se rifle with one shot. Obviously, this is the only one of the three German soldiers who can pose a threat to him. Then he killed the squad leader with p44 assault rifle with the most value. Finally, he killed an escaped soldier in the distance.
This is an expert! He immediately made a judgment, so he ambushed here and prepared to shoot the culprit who caused casualties to the Germans according to the company’s order. He knew that it was not the same as before. This was the first time he faced a sniper challenge.
His assistant, who is responsible for covering his comrade-in-arms, is not far behind the grass. This assistant is responsible for luring his opponent to expose his position first and strive for a favorable war environment for him. He carefully bayoneted up his helmet and shook the grass slightly.
If the sniper of the other side is still here, then he can induce to shoot the pistol by this means. This is a very dangerous job. After all, he has to be hit by his opponent before he can confirm his opponent’s position. Of course, this danger is not great. The opponent either hits the helmet or hits the support helmet bayonet. The probability of hitting him is very low.
There are still real dangers. For example, once a Soviet helmet lured a German sniper pistol to try to determine the sniper’s position before, and the Germans were not polite at all. They directly picked up an iron fist rocket launcher and fired a rocket. Of course, the nearby Soviet Red Army suffered a lot of casualties, and the Soviet soldier who molested the German helmet was also killed on the spot. This is a lesson for everyone who often plays this game. Don’t expose your position easily because you don’t know what it is.
"bang!" The sniper across the street caught fire. It was really a long wait. The German sniper clearly saw the location where the fire started through his sight. He raised his mouth and aimed at the notch and pressed it down. Sure enough, there was a Soviet sniper disguised as a haystack, almost exactly like the surrounding grass.
"Goodbye!" The German sniper whispered something in his mouth and then pulled his trigger. He didn’t hesitate at all, because he had to do it several times every day, and almost every time he took away a fresh life. This is the most harsh place in the battlefield. The only way to live here is to kill. The only thing that is not needed here is compassion.
"bang!" A bullet was ejected from a well-disguised muzzle and flew to the distance. The Soviet Red Army sniper cut his breath and flew over a distance of more than 200 meters, and then easily got into the Soviet sniper’s body with great rotational kinetic energy to chop up bones and tear dirt.
Not far from the sniper, a Soviet soldier got up and tried to escape. He was also shot in the back. Before he ran a few steps, he fell headlong to the side of a bush.
The forefront of a life war is so worthless, whether it’s a soldier who fights tenaciously or a coward who is as timid as a mouse, they all have the opportunity to drag out an ignoble existence, and they will all be unlucky. When they die lowly, the corpse festival is twisted and lying on the ground, which is worthless and disgraceful.
The bayonet picked up the helmet, the assistant buckled his helmet in his hand, smiled, picked up his gun and walked over to the body of a Soviet sniper in the distance. He was responsible for picking up the Soviet sniper rifle to prove that his sniper team had indeed killed a Soviet sniper nearby.
Soon he came to the body. The Soviet sniper looked very young, and he was under twenty years old. His immature face and facial features were distorted. Obviously, his physical trauma brought him great pain almost a minute ago. The blood around him proved that he did not die immediately.
The bullet penetrated his lung lobe from the rib, and then took his stomach and some intestinal fragments out from the other side, leaving a hole the size of a fist, which looked very scary.
German soldiers took out a certificate dyed red with blood and a handwritten note in Russian from the pocket of this corpse coat. He couldn’t understand it, but he didn’t throw it away. The blood didn’t dry up. He didn’t put these things in his pocket, but walked to the body of another Soviet soldier in the distance with his hand in his hand.
He went over and kicked the body, then put his things aside and turned it over. Just as he rummaged for the body, the German sniper came over. He covered for a long time and found that there was no one else around, then he put away his weapon and leaned over.
He lit a cigarette next to the body and looked at his assistant, the Soviet soldier’s body, rummaging through things. He was indifferent and smoked. When the assistant nodded, they left the two men with four guns on their backs and retreated to the position where they had just ambushed. Then they walked backwards through a small forest and came to the German grenadiers’ control line, where they were eating but didn’t dare to make a fire to heat the cold food.
When the sentry saw one of his own people coming back, he questioned them for a few sentences, then checked one or two personal documents and released them. They were not affiliated with this unit, so they walked slowly in the direction of the battalion according to the position pointed out by the other party.
Not far behind the company is the battalion headquarters, where the two of them have more acquaintances. The battalion artillery lieutenant and the two people warmly greeted each other and gave them some boiled hot water, which made them feel a little cold and comfortable.

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