Two strategic regiments of the Soviet Union attacked in a roundabout way, and two major railways leading to Harbin were cut off. Changchun City also exposed that the defense line of the Soviet army in Harbin was meaningless. The Chinese army had to fight along the railway and retreat to Harbin, and most parts of Heilongjiang fell. The fall of Harbin also meant that the gate of the Northeast Plain was completely lost, and the Songhua River and the Daxinganling Mountains restricted the Soviet armored torrent. It was a disaster for the Chinese army!

The disaster came a little later than expected, but it came after all, overwhelming! Star guns are still ringing from time to time in downtown Harbin, and the steel torrent of the Amur army is forced to wait for the huge forces of 20 divisions and nearly a thousand helicopters to rush along the railway like waves. Behind this terrible wave, there are two armored divisions, seven motorized infantry division, an anti-aircraft artillery division and a sniper division reserve.
Paddle past ss23 tactical ballistic missile with long smoke.
In a few seconds, it can turn half a day into a purple rocket launcher group.
Once the fire breaks out, it’s not going to stop. Heavy artillery group.
Covering the sky and the sun fighter group
A swarm of helicopter denser than locust.
Armor group as dense as carrion maggots
This torrent, which has been bound by nuclear weapons for nearly half a century, is so violent that when it is raging in the northeast plain, there is no power to stop it, including Moscow. The Chinese national army also gritted its teeth and struggled. If we can mobilize fighters, they will be sent to the northeast front to cover the troops and retreat and desperately attack the Soviet ground troops. At first, their efforts have achieved excellent results. After most front-line airports were destroyed, the Soviet front-line aviation troops will once again dispatch 20 divisions on a large scale, and there will always be some places where they can’t take care of these huge forces. The moldy army horse was cordially greeted by Qiangwu and the flying wolf. The simple navigation rockets were shot down in bundles, and the mother bombs roared, while the piles of tank vehicles were blown into fireballs. The Soviet anti-missile missiles also frequently shot down these crazy fighters, which were already quite weak. Thanks to the military cover, the troops in Harbin theater were not bombed by the Soviet Union in the first few days, but it was still difficult to retreat. The Soviet tactical missile brigade launched short-range ballistic missiles, which constantly destroyed the railways and blew up the railways one by one, one by one. Crater to make the train unable to move, many troops can give up taking the train to retreat, and plan to transport the soldiers by truck. The soldiers are easy, but those tanks and armored vehicles are a headache, and they can’t go back all the way-
This also means that many tanks are in amazing wear and tear, and it is impossible to fight without overhaul.
On the fifth day of retreat, disaster befell. After repairing the front-line airport, more than 500 fighters from the Soviet Union took off one after another. The strategic bomber troops also took off in they nest. Figure 16, Figure 22 and Figure 95 were so dense that they almost covered the day. The crazy bombing of the Changchun Railway Center Exhibition, the Chinese national army tried its best to resist it, but it could not stop the terrible plane. The sea Changchun Railway bounced like rain, and large flames rolled straight into the sky. Almost every bomb was thrown in pieces! Deploy railway defense forces to retaliate with fierce fire protection. Many MIG-23s and Figure 16 were smashed into flying debris. Before the umbrella flower bloomed, the pilot was torn to pieces by the extremely high artillery force. However, the defense forces were able to deal with the terrible short-range ballistic missiles and b3 to launch tactical missiles. In the scream of death, one of the defense forces disappeared from the battle sequence of the Republican National Defense Forces.
The 16th regiment brazenly stood in front of the terrible flood, and the Soviet army was killed in a burst of heavy rain. The aircraft carrier battle group of Pioneer and cruise missiles accurately attacked the first regiment approaching Changchun Red Flag, while the absolute superiority of the fifth guards corps of the Soviet Union broke down the 12th regiment, and an infantry division and an armored brigade blocked it, and then approached the periphery of Changchun. Borrossi Love personally commanded 150 bombers to violently bomb Changchun, tearing a hole, and the 79th and 13th divisions took the opportunity to drop. At the same time, fierce guns rang out outside the city, and the PLA and the Soviet Red Army.
What Liu Weiping knows about these things is an ability even if he knows it. He is surrounded by several German military police and gangsters. The loudspeakers are playing the declaration of letting him go out and surrender over and over again, but he is unmoved, sorting out weapons and equipment, and so are Major Black and Liu Zhe.
Natalia’s teeth kept fighting louder and louder, and the barking of the army made her tremble. She was afraid and asked, "What shall we do now? They are outnumbered, even if you are all Rambo, you can win. Maybe we should consider going out and surrendering. "
Liu Weiping simply said, "There is no surrender in the military dictionary of China."
Liu Zhe looked deep into the cave. "Is there anywhere to hide?"
Liu Weiping said, "I’m afraid I can’t hide 20 meters deep without this cave."
Major in black was carrying a g3 automatic rifle and Liuweiping’s bow and arrow, and said "I’m going out" lightly without waiting for Liu.
Zhe and LiuWeiPing agreed to flash out like ghosts. Natalya was in a hurry. "Hey, what are you doing? There are so many military police outside that you can die if you go out! "
The major in black couldn’t understand German, and his figure disappeared in a flash. Three minutes later, a shot was fired 200 meters away. The pilot of that annoying helicopter had a deep blood hole on his forehead, and the skull was broken. The blood was mixed with brains, and the glass burst out. Thousands of pink peach blossoms were out of control. The helicopter crashed to the foot of the mountain like a broken kite. The guy with a tweeter screaming at the ground screamed and danced and fell to the ground. He believed that at the last moment of his life, he must regret what he had to eat so much butter steak. If he were as thin as a fat bear, he might still live.
The leader of the military dog left a trail along Natalia and approached Liu Weiping’s hiding place step by step. The police gangsters were stunned when they saw the helicopter fall and fall into flames. Sheriff Cole said with horror, "The helicopter was shot down!"
Major Doggett looked dignified. "Someone shot down that guy with a g3 rifle!"
Mr. Kahn’s right-hand man made every policeman’s teeth itch. "Mad dog" paulus said with a big grin, "It was that unlucky guy who was so careless that he forgot that the other side had a gun in his hand. Come with me!" With more than 40 deputy armed gang members, they quickly bypassed the scene where the gun sounded, and they were skilled and experienced. Obviously, these people all had some military training.
However, it seems to their opponents that their military training is only equivalent to the military training level of high school students, which is a joke.
Whoosh whoosh!
Three sharp arrows suddenly shot with great strength. Three gangsters felt that their eyes were the biggest when they took a breath at the moment-their throats were each pierced by a sharp arrow with rough workmanship but no lethality, and two and a half meters long blood lines burst out! Paulus realized with horror that his head shrank, and a sharp arrow brushed his left cheek and drew a blood slot. A hand who is said to be proficient in oriental martial arts around him uttered a scream, and the sharp arrow shot from his left neck to his right neck and immediately killed him!
Four black knight minions fell down in a row and didn’t feel a chill. A few timid little guys screamed, "Bastard, where the hell are you?" Get out! " No matter whether you hold up an automatic rifle and hug the bushes where someone may be hiding, dadada! A few flames jumped out and hit the branches and leaves of the bushes flying around. Fear and impulsiveness will infect people. Others will blindly pull the trigger and throw the bullets in the magazine in all directions. Two policemen and a mountain soldier were shot in the mountains and forests. Damn it, they were hit or scratched by stray bullets
When guns, screams, screams, and curses ring into a pot of porridge, it’s very lively!
Major Doggett bounced Sheriff Cole to the ground for the first time, flying over the searing waves next to their scalps, making Sheriff Cole’s body fat twitch again and again, and he didn’t know whether it was painful or afraid. Compared with Major Doggett, he looked contemptuously at the people’s land or his own body, and the corners of the mouth of the gang members were lifted and spit out a word "Death!"
The words sound just fell off the gun, and a magazine has been polished. It took several seconds for the guy to hug the trigger to remember to replace the magazine. The boss reprimanded him for being in a hurry to unload and replace the magazine. After all, it’s not that the regular army doesn’t know how to cooperate with them to replace the magazine. This damn head has actually stopped shooting and replaced the magazine! As Major Doggett said, it’s a death wish.
Dada, dada, dada!
Very rhythmic double hair suddenly sounded a row of trees that were beaten like honeycombs, and a green figure flashed behind them. g3 automatic rifle casings splashed out in pairs. Every pair of casings splashed out. There was bound to be a gangster who blew a cloud of blood between the eyebrows. The guy also played very fast. In less than ten seconds, a magazine was exhausted. It was this magazine that swept out, and fourteen black knight gangsters fell down!
What a terrible marksmanship!
Major Doggett felt his scalp numb and his back cold. When he saw the devil hit a magazine, he flashed into the dead corner of fire. It seemed that he wanted to slip away. He shouted, "Let the military dogs go!"
To be fair, for a professional soldier, ten gang thugs with automatic rifles are not as good as a well-trained military dog. When the military police heard the order, they let go and three tall and fierce black backs barked at the guy who tried to escape. Bai Sensen’s serrated fangs made his scalp tingle! Just now, I was too heavy to lift my head by the fire of those pig teammates. I also pointed my light machine gun at the German mountain and asked the military dogs to drive people out of the dead corner. They torched people and knocked them down!
However, the ideal is plump, but the reality is often skinny. Three policemen’s pistols are shot, and the general dogs’ military and police tactics cooperate to smash. The three military dogs are sprinting at high speed, and their heads explode with a mass of blood. The powerful impact force makes them fly off the ground with explosive force, and then they fall heavily and motionless. All three military dogs are shot in the brain and killed on the spot! This abnormal marksmanship and abnormal judgment ability make people gasp in a gasp at the place. Suddenly, there is a big event, and the house is going to feel bad. How many people can live with such a vicious role?
The figure of the major in black flashed and disappeared.
In a green ocean, the black knight organization and the police screamed and chased after the past. It was the first time that the police gangsters cooperated so tacitly! Major Doggett and complete call "don’t chase! That person is not the target we are looking for! "
Mad dog paulus squinted and asked, "What makes you decide that this man is not our target?"
Major Doggett hates his teeth and wants to give this mad dog a cup of Sanlu milk powder. "We are looking for the one whose right leg has been seriously injured and just finished surgery, and he has no difficulty in moving. Do you think he has any difficulty in moving?" He can chase a rabbit alive at such a speed! "
Paulus leng a grimace of a grin "that we should pursue to the end! This man must be his helper. I’m not afraid I can’t find him! " With a wave of his hand, more than 20 younger brothers got up the courage to take over the half-life that was aborted.
There was a huge loophole in the encirclement.
Major Doggett stared at the guy who likes to be smart, and his desire to make a glass of Sanlu for him became stronger and stronger.
Chapter DiYiWuSan retreat from Harbin to the fall of Changchun (6)
"Mom, even this kind of stuff dares to wave its claws in front of the old tiger. You really treat me like a sick cat!"
Major in black rolled out like a whirlwind with a cold smile on his mouth, and a hundred rounds of ammunition slammed against his body, beating the ground to the sky. His right hand bounced off the ground and rolled behind a big stone. A rocket hit a tree more than ten meters away, and a sawdust shrapnel splashed. A big tree was blown into two pieces and collapsed! These king eggs are so bad that they can’t even hit a rocket!
The black knight organizers screamed and screamed at the automatic rifle and swept it this way, and the fire was fierce enough, but the firing was so bad that it made people cry. Hundreds of bullets swept over, and none of them could wipe the black major’s skirt. Major glanced at it lightly and pulled the trigger. Da, Da, Da! Accurate double-shot bullet casings jumped out in pairs. Every pair of bullet casings cheered and jumped out. There must be a black knight organization who blew a mass of blood fog on his head and fell headlong, screaming and screaming. The guys suddenly turned into a dead body while charging!
The black knight thugs are going crazy! They are qualified for paramilitary training. Of course, they are the kind of characters who have fought many battles and at least had a human life. They let them shoot submachine guns in the slums and throw bombs at the shopping malls. They will never blink, but they will admit that they are the boss of heaven. Only now have they discovered that someone is more cruel than them. They have encountered this kind of gun and bullet in their life for many years! Fortunately, the German police didn’t have such terrible guys, otherwise they wouldn’t mix up! After being swept down by a magazine for more than a dozen times, these idiots finally know that they are not wearing bulletproof vests and have not practiced golden bells, which will kill people. One by one, they are screaming and squatting.
Sheriff Cole watched those guys get beat up by that terrible enemy, and even on the ground, people kept pushing their asses too high, making high-speed flying bullets fight each other, screaming and jumping up, and then being shot in the head for no reason. But then he remembered his vocation and gasped and said to Major Doggett, "Let’s do it quickly. If we don’t do it, those idiots will be killed!"
Major Doggett’s face was even tighter than that of three days’ exposure to beef tendon, and he said, "They deserve it! I wouldn’t be surprised if these idiots were killed by others. They are really stupid pigs. They have to deal with them themselves or ordinary people who are scared to the knees when they pick up iron pipes. I don’t know how to write dead words! "
Sheriff Cole said, "That’s true, but that’s dozens of lives after all."
Major Doggett sighed. "Sheriff, you are a good policeman.
Chadan is definitely not a qualified soldier. Have you ever wondered how many boys in your hand will be shot in the head by the devil because of your kindness? Leave you alone. This is not a role you can handle. Even I can’t handle them! "Pull up the walkie-talkie intercom and depress the bass." Sniper incendiary bomb forced the devil out from behind the stone and killed him! "
Two snipers squinted at the rifle cross, but there was no fire for the simple reason that the guy didn’t stir up at all! That guy hid himself behind a boulder, and God knows how he aimed and shot! That rock is too big, even if their 2 mm anti-equipment sniper rifle can’t penetrate it, they have to wait patiently for the opportunity. A sniper reported, "The company commander’s guy is so well hidden that we can’t lock him in and the sniper rifle can’t penetrate the rock where he is hiding!"
Major Doggett gave me a moment’s hesitation and ordered "mortar fire to force him out!"
Mao Mao Mao!
Four 6 mm mortar shells screamed and rushed out of the gun bore, and then four more! This kind of mortar was developed by mountain troops, weighing only five kilograms. Its structure is simple, its accuracy is quite high, and its performance is very reliable. It seems that nothing can damage Major Doggett. This company is equipped with a fire support platoon. Four 6 mm mortars were fired as soon as they were hit, which means that Major Doggett regarded this pursuit as a war from the very beginning. A slight carelessness will result in the loss of troops and the annihilation of the army!
Boom Boom! Boom! Boom!
Clouds of black and red fireballs surrounded Major Black’s hiding rock, which was so hot that it almost burned. Shrapnel exploded at a high speed, and the trees and rocks drew a series of deep scratches. Major Black suddenly bowed his head and a shrapnel the size of a fingernail flew past his scalp. None of this round of shells could hit the target, but they all exploded around him, telling him that it was no longer possible to stay here, and no one could guarantee that a shell would directly hit him! He threw out two smoke bombs without looking at them. Two shots went off! Boom Two clouds of smoke expanded to cover everything around him. Major Doggett shouted, "He’s gone!" Take the lead in chasing out and wait for a long time. Mountain soldiers pull the battle formation skillfully. The tactics are steep and dense. The pursuit is like a pack of wolves chasing their prey. The tacit cooperation is quick and dazzling. The number of German mountain troops is small, but the combat effectiveness is very strong. It is only a matter of one company to deal with one person and catch Major Black.
It’s a pity that these mountain soldiers are not chasing reindeer but a lion.
Major in black is like a mass of black.
The fast-running string of shells and the roaring shells in the storm forest were all thrown aside by him and failed to pose a substantial threat to him.
Da da da!
Major g3 automatic rifle in black suddenly rang, and a German mountain soldier who was about to launch a Grenade was punched hard, which seemed to go backwards. Three rounds of ejection went through his chest with blood and flesh flying out, and blood spattered!
Da da da!
When Major Black bypassed a tree folded by two people, the automatic rifle spewed out flames again. All three bullets hit the stone and bounced at a specific angle. One shot was shot from the right eye of a machine gun straggler who was lying on the ground into the back of his head and burst out of his brain!
Da da da!
This time, the long antenna behind the signalman killed him, and Major Black shot through his eyebrows!
Major Doggett watched so many hands fall angry one after another. "What’s not the sniper’s fire? !”
A hoarse voice came through the line in the cold. "We have locked the target horse and we can kill him."
This sound is strange!
Major Doggett was stunned and wanted to ask, "Who are you?" But the professional soldier’s unique sixth sense told him that he would probably become a corpse with a broken head after he asked about the identity of the other party! He struggled forward, five seconds before a 12.7 mm sniper rifle bullet flashed across his left side, causing high-temperature airflow. His military uniform baked a scorched mark, but the burning pain made him feel like he had fallen into an Antarctic ice cave, and his blood almost solidified. Every hair stood on end, every pore was tightly closed and his heart almost stopped beating! Fortunately, he was a false alarm, but a mountain soldier in front of him was not so lucky. This sniper rifle shot through the tree, and it went into the chest and out of the chest. It was terrible that the poor mountain soldier broke into two pieces of blood, broken bones and dirty debris, and it was more than three meters high.
Before the rain of blood fell, another shot was fired. Two German mountain soldiers were separated by 20 meters and formed a straight line. The whole head burst into 17 blood columns and rushed up from the bare neck!
These two shots made the morale of every mountain in Germany sink to the bottom. They realized that the sniper had been killed by the enemy and someone had taken over the sniper’s position, but the gun was aimed at their back! It’s ideal for those two snipers to choose their positions, so they can easily overlook the whole battlefield and have no place to hide. They can only be beaten and can’t fight back! If it is the Soviet Red Army or the China Army, it will definitely hit the fire.
Give your life to the sniper’s position, suppress the sniper’s fire, and then come screaming and screaming, even if you fight for a few lives, you have to smash the sniper into a sieve. But the European army is different. They are almost like state officials. It is their job, not their sacred duty. They rarely take this job and give their lives. Major Doggett called "There are snipers! Hide quickly! "
No, he told the mountain soldiers to lie down to cover the sharpshooter’s hands and feet and climb behind the rock to set up an automatic rifle to try to find out the sniper’s anti-equipment sniper rifle. Once the fire broke out, the movement was very scary. If the other party wanted to shoot again, they would be absolutely sure to dig it out! 600 meters away, although the automatic rifle in their hands can’t hit, the mortar can guide the target and let the artillery kill them!
According to said major root tactical arrangement is right, but the problem is that their opponents root didn’t intend to give them a chance!

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