"Li Jing, the guilty minister, visited the Daiwang Hall!" Hankneel

Yang You looked at Excavate and couldn’t help nodding. Although Excavate was nearly fifty years old and was imprisoned for more than a month, his brow was still full of heroic spirit. At this moment, he knelt down and almost reached his chest. Obviously, his body was very tall.
"What crime did you commit, Li Jing?" Yang You said.
"It’s really a sin to say this!" Li Jing said
Yang You looked at Excavate’s heart, but he walked a few steps in vain. Yang You said, "This big crime should be done according to the law, but it will be your sin to be lonely for your country for many years!" Li Jingwen looked up with a quiver and looked at Yang You with some disbelief.
"Minister, thank you for your forgiveness!" Li Jing said
"Li Qing’s patriotism and loneliness have already known that Yu Laiqing’s family has been wronged this month!" Yang You took the key in his hand in the previous step and personally excavate handcuffed the chain.
Yang You helped Li Jing up. Looking at Li Jingfa, he must have a little white. He couldn’t help feeling that Li Jing was definitely a handsome talent in the late Sui and early Tang Dynasties. That’s why Yang You came in person because he wanted this person to be able to do what he wanted.
"I don’t deserve to be ashamed of my words!" Excavate said that he moved his wrist. He was handcuffed for too long, and his wrist was a little inflexible.
"Do you know that Li Qing’s family has rebelled in Taiyuan and now has attacked Huoyi and killed Song Laosheng?" Yang You said.
Excavate eyes a clot said "lee thief was so fast? However, Song Laosheng is brave in fighting, but he is reckless and impulsive. If the thief Li sends troops to tease him, he will be tempted to fight in the fierce battle and be tricked by the enemy! "
Yang You narrowed his eyes slightly and couldn’t help clapping his hands after carefully examining Li Jing. "Well said!" Because of excavate’s speculation, the Huoyi war is the same.
"Huo Yi has broken Li Yuan, so Li Qing’s family has a good plan since the south?" Yang You asked.
Excavate frowned and thought for a moment and said, "Li Yuannan, since Huo Yi has lost the barrier, there is only one way to block Li Yuan or the road to the south or west!" These words come out Yang You not nodded.
After all, I come from later generations and know that the history of Li Shimin is like blocking Liu Wuzhou. Now the situation in South Liu Wuzhou is very similar, so it is not surprising that I have countermeasures in my heart. However, Excavate just came up with countermeasures by a few words for a moment.
"Well, that’s right!" Yang You said and took one look at Excavate. "Now it is the interpersonal Li Qing family that has had it, but you are allowed to make meritorious deeds in your position and think about it before making a decision."
Yang You knew that even in the imperial army, there would be infidels in Daxing city. According to Yang You’s idea, it is necessary to practice the new army and think it over carefully.
Nowadays, the situation is chaotic. If you have food, you can attract many brave men to equip this Daxing shrewd library with excellent weapon equipment and armor. These were all made by the Sui Emperor who worked overtime and exhausted several people in Korea, so there was no shortage.
The only difficulty is that Qu Tutong, Yao Junsu and others are all good generals, but they are not good commanders. At present, this talent is the ideal candidate for Yang You.
Excited, Yang You talked about Li Jingshen in his cell for half a ring, mostly because of the current situation, marching and fighting, and Li Jing’s profound insights have benefited Yang You’s eyes.
Before you know it, it’s already late at night, before Xiaogui wakes up. "Let’s rest early when you recover from a serious illness!"
Yang You came to listen to what Xiaogui said, and suddenly his stomach called a few times. Yang You was about to speak, and Excavate also came to coo. The two could not help but smile at each other.
"Li Qing home you’ll be lonely dinner and then go back not late! By the way, I remember that you still have a house in Daxing, right? Is it over there in Liren City? " Yang You asked.
"When the temple is in the heart, the official residence is beneficial to the people," Excavate said.
Yang You nodded and told Xiao Gui low a few words. Because it is located in the west of Daxing City, it is also called West City. This place is mostly a commercial city, such as a pawn shop with swords, guns and cloth. In addition, it is also a mixed foundation for conference semifinals. Few officials in Sui Dynasty will choose the residence there.
It seems that Li Jing is very unhappy.
Yang You Excavate walked a few steps to a prison next door to groan. Yang You just thoughtfully called the jailer and asked, "Is it a person?"
The jailer replied, "The Hall of Report is Li Zhiyun."
Yang You look a clot excavate also frown way "is he?"
Yang You took two steps to the front of Li Zhiyun’s door, and the prison was dark. Immediately, the jailer took the fire and Yang You saw a man lying in the prison, black and blue, and kept moaning.
"Find a doctor to give him no solitary orders from today. Don’t torture this person. Besides, chicken, duck and fish are indispensable every day. If he is fat, it’s only you who ask!"
The jailer nodded hastily. "It’s the temple!"
Yang You looked back and saw that Excavate seemed to be meditating on something. He smiled and went out. Excavate was busy with the palace, and the ladies-in-waiting had prepared food. Yang You Excavate ate and said that it was a long time ago.
Excavate after dinner, an official took the generation of Wangfu token and personally sent Excavate back. Just the carriage Excavate looked like a clot.
Excavate Zhang Chuchen has been married for many years, and Zhang Chuchen is mostly with Excavate. But this time, Excavate let Zhang Chuchen hide before making a coup. It’s not a big city, but how can the lights be on in the mansion?
See excavate one leng official said "this is the temple sent to wait on you"
Excavate listened and walked slowly. He didn’t return to this old house for several years, and it must have been full of corners. But as soon as he opened the door, he saw that the window was clean and filthy, and several delicate maids stood by.
"You all go home and give me more thanks!" Li Jing said
Several maids said together, "General Li’s handmaiden came on orders from the temple, and if she is driven back, her life will be lost!"
Excavate thought for a moment and waved and said, "Go back first. I want to be quiet!" "
"The general’s bath water has been boiled, or let the handmaiden wait on the general to bathe!" A maid said.
"No, you retreat!" Excavate said that a few maid hesitated half ring back.
Excavate took a few steps to sit on the soft couch and meditate on the temple. It seems a bit like listening to him say that every few days, the grain will be released to calm people’s hearts, and Qu Tutong and Yin Shi’s army have blocked the pass to prevent Tang gaozu from going further.
But can this big Sui Jiangshan be saved? And am I right or wrong in making this decision? Out of the dust, if you and I are around, maybe you can give me some advice, but … Alas!
The night wind blew wearily outside the mansion, and someone in Excavate’s heart was so tired that he finally fell asleep.
At the moment, Yang You is still leafing through the throne.
"You just don’t go to bed early!" Webster came in and blamed and said
"Mom, there is no time to neglect when things are urgent now." Yang You let go of the throne and stood up to hold her mother.
"Mom, you’ve cooked the bird’s nest, so you can mend your body!" Webster said
Yang You worked hard for half a ring, and Li Jing chatted more when eating, but didn’t eat much. At this time, when he said that he felt a little hungry, he took the bowl and ate it.
A bowl of bird’s nest belly also eased up. Yang You glanced at the memorial like a mountain and said, "You have something to do, you should rest early!"
Webster suddenly cried with Yang You in her arms. Yuan De died too early. She worked hard to bring up the child. Who can be white in this pain? Now, although Tang gaozu, a thief in the middle group, has sent his troops to attack, Webster was born in a famous middle school. Wei Shou, a daughter of Ding Guogong, has a lot of knowledge. She knows that people and relatives are just Tang gaozu’s excuses!
Fear the history of the ages, so many people want to support their troops and respect themselves, and finally they will take the place of ministers! I’m afraid Tang gaozu will kill his mother and son if he enters Daxing with his front foot!
"It’s a pity that your dad died early, otherwise these clowns are afraid?" Webster said
Yang You waved a few maids to retreat. Yang You picked up a piece of silk and wiped her tears and said, "Although mother and father collapsed early, the child is already an adult. Naturally, I will stop this disaster!"
Webster couldn’t help but smile when he heard this. "See, you are quite good at comforting your mother."
"Mom, you can rest assured that my life is not so easy to give!" Yang You said.
Webster cried for a while, and the pressure in his heart was slightly reduced. He took Yang You’s face and said, "It’s a pity that Niang doesn’t know anything and can’t help you."
Yang You laughed. "Niang, these things are naturally men’s things, so you can stay at ease in the palace."
Webster looked at Yang You with a serious face and suddenly laughed. "Your son has grown up to be a man, too." Webster suddenly took Yang You’s hand and said, "How about a marriage?"
Yang You one leng was about to say something Webster added, "What do you think of this child Duguyan? Dugu family we Yang Gulai is a family. This child is clever and clever, and more importantly, she likes you. "

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