The rest of the players quickly surrounded the puppet king and then launched a storm-like offensive.

"The troublemaker is almost ready to attack." The strategist suddenly rushed behind him and said.
At that time, the top ten guild players slowly moved forward and once again formed a siege of the puppet king
The puppet king of the "extreme laser cannon" released the laser again and then slaughtered the players around him with a horizontal swing.
"Bro, please let you be a tiger." The Chinese enemy rushed Zhao Bohao and said.
"Well, these are all Lu Wu I should do." Zhao Bohao quickly took a beat after hearing the Chinese enemy’s words and urged Lu Wu to attack before it.
"Slow" Suddenly a shield soldier came out of the crowd carrying a huge shield.
"What do you want to do with crack day’s evil eyes?" After the Chinese enemy saw the bearer, he frowned and rushed to the boss of the crack day Guild. It turned out that the shield warrior was crack day Shield, the main shield warrior in the crack day Guild.
"Huaxia eldest brother, you think too much. It’s just that the younger brother wants to try this bss color. There’s no other meaning." crack day’s evil eyes smiled at Huaxia enemy and said.
"Shameless, what do you want to try bss fineness? Try to rob the monster as soon as possible and say it’s so grandiose." Schilling suddenly spat at crack day’s evil eyes and said.
"Little girl, don’t say so ugly, or my brother will be angry." crack day’s evil eyes and evil spirits laughed.
"Hum, I’m afraid you’re a ghost. Say you’re shameless. How dare you do it? Don’t let people say it." Hilling replied, not to be outdone.
"You" crack day’s evil eyes were just about to speak when they were interrupted by the Chinese enemy
"Boss crack day, we need to talk about things. Do you think it would be so easy for us to kill bss if it weren’t for the famous warrior pet, which has always attracted the attention of the puppet king?" said the Chinese enemy.
"I admit that Huaxia boss is such a reason, but you can’t let my brother try to blame it because of this. No, I can’t personally supply the famous warrior with one million gold coins for compensation." crack day’s evil eyes laughed at the Chinese enemy and explained.
"How can you do this? I really don’t know what to say about you." The Chinese enemy was more angry than crack day’s evil eyes.
"Huaxia eldest brother is all right. Since the boss wants to let my brother rest, I will rest and watch the play. Besides, isn’t there a million gold coins to compensate? This hurt is not worth hehe." Zhao Bohao pulled the Huaxia enemy and walked over to crack day’s evil eyes and said.
"It’s still this brother who gives money to this brother." crack day’s evil eyes were very happy after hearing Zhao Bohao’s words, so he quickly let his head strategist and the best younger brother take money.
"Just don’t give the money to the Chinese boss, hehe." Zhao Bohao directly asked crack day to give the money to the Chinese enemy and then transfer it to himself to reveal his information.
Crack day wind speed saw eye crack day evil eyes which nodded after a little thought.
"Huaxia boss, this is our boss Xu million gold coins. You put them away." crack day received crack day’s evil eyes and eyes and gave the money directly to the Chinese enemy
"Hum" the Chinese enemy grabbed the money and directly transferred it to Zhao Bohao.
"Now that things have been said about the old shield," crack day’s evil eyes did not care about the Chinese enemy’s views. After all, there is no absolute gap between the top ten guilds, let alone who is afraid of who.
"Dear boss, let’s see what kind of drama crack day’s boss can offer." The Chinese enemy said that he took the Chinese guild players away from the crack day guild, and at the same time, another guild did the same thing as if it had isolated the crack day guild in an instant.
"Charge" crack day Shield heard his boss’s order and directly took the shield and rushed out with a step.
"Roar" Lu Wu suddenly yelled at crack day Shield, but the horse was appeased by Zhao Bohao.
"It’s okay, it’s okay, Lu Wu. You know what your opponent is. Let’s wait and see a good show," Zhao Bohao muttered in Lu Wu’s ear.
"Roar" Lu Wu heard Zhao Bohao’s words, but although he was puzzled, he stopped and slowly fell to Zhao Bohao’s feet.
"That’s good, hehe." Zhao Bohao saw crack day Shield rushing directly to the front of the puppet king, waving a shield and splitting it.
The puppet king of "Million Tons Punch" directly bumped into the crack day Shield.
"Shielding" crack day Shielding knew how powerful he was and quickly developed his shield skills.
; Mobile reading
= = = Chapter 12 Broken teeth crack day evil eyes = = =
Chapter 12 Broken teeth crack day evil eyes
"Ding-dong Puppet King released a million tons of blows to player crack day Shield. Millions of tons of blows have hit the player, triggering crit effect and triggering flying effect. Player crack day Shield has been hit. Because player crack day Shield released the shield, it successfully resisted the damage caused by the puppet king attacking the player."
Crack day shield directly crashed into the crack day guild camp like a meteor, smashing the ground out of a huge pit, while the puppet king accelerated and followed the trajectory of crack day shield into the crack day guild camp.
"extreme laser cannon"
A raven flew out of the puppet Wang Shu’s eyes and went directly into the crack day shield to burn it into a mass of black ashes.
"Ding-dong puppet king released the research laser cannon to player crack day Dun, and the research laser cannon has hit the player, triggering the critical strike effect, causing excessive damage to the player, and player crack day Dun is dead."
After the puppet king hit his hand, the horse turned the body clockwise like just now, and then he saw that the powerful laser cannon turned into an outer sword, which directly caused a bloody battle in the crack day guild camp.
"Ding-dong Puppet King released the research laser cannon to player crack day’s dream, which caused excessive damage to the player. Player crack day’s dream has died."
"Ding-dong puppet king released the research laser cannon to player crack day Fushui, which caused excessive damage to the player. Player crack day Fushui has died."
"Ding-dong puppet king released the research laser cannon to player crack day Storm God, which caused excessive damage to the player. Player crack day Storm God has died."
Several crack day guild players were swept by the puppet king’s laser sword, and they were either cut off in the middle, or their heads were chopped off or dyed into ashes. They always touched the edge, and the players became ghosts and ghosts, and they could not die any more.
After the puppet king released the research laser cannon, the wheel spun again and hit the side directly.
"million tons of heavy blows"
"extreme laser cannon"
"million tons of heavy blows"
"extreme laser cannon"
Puppet Wang Ren’s checks and balances continue to slaughter crack day guild player crack day’s evil eyes. Seeing the present situation is also a headache. He didn’t expect that the puppet king could have such a violent attack power that he could kill his main shield warrior, which made him a little caught off guard.
"Give me the big binding curse and big blood, and you must draw it out or it will be over." crack day’s evil eyes quickly let his main force, Blood Knight, hope to pull the puppet king
A golden spell flew out of the player and directly attached to the puppet king, but it was a pity that the puppet king directly infected the restriction of the big binding spell.
"Steel shield gun forest" Blood Knight crack day blood dragon yelled and rushed out to directly stab himself with a pike to the puppet king’s body
Puppet king directly swept his eyes to Blood Knight, who attacked himself, and then the rim accelerated and dashed over.
"It’s the real meteorite technique". crack day’s evil eyes saw that the puppet king was attracted by Blood Knight and quickly let the practitioners release their fitness skills
I saw a huge meteorite emerge from the cloud and slammed it at the puppet king.
"Knight Faith" crack day Blood Dragon directly started the knight’s big move and then recoil at the puppet king with a round shield.
"Warning, warning and avoidance mode" Puppet King suddenly accelerated and directly hit crack day’s blood dragon body, and then took it to the high-speed mode to hide the joint efforts of the crack day Guild to release the real meteorite art.
The huge meteorite technique directly blasted behind the puppet king, although its power was poor, but it did not harm it.
"Boss, I can’t hold on any longer. My knight faith has been smashed." crack day Blood Dragon Puppet King can’t stop whining.
"Hurry up and add blood to the old blood brush state. You must hold on." crack day’s evil eyes are now panicked and want to get a jackpot. I didn’t expect it to be shattered with a mouthful of fangs and lost one million gold coins in vain
Several rays of light directly bloomed in crack day Blood Dragon, which set it off as a light man, but it didn’t help crack day Blood Dragon because he had just been sheltered by knight faith and didn’t get hurt.
The puppet king of "Million Tons of Punch" crashed into the player group with crack day Blood Dragon, which blew out a huge dead zone. crack day Blood Dragon failed to escape this time and was directly smashed to pieces by a million tons of punch.
"Ding-dong player crack day Blood Dragon was hit by the puppet king with a million tons of blows, and the million tons of blows caused excessive damage to crack day Blood Dragon. crack day Blood Dragon has died."
"Kiss the top by the wind" crack day evil eyes saw that the old blood was killed by the puppet king and quickly shouted at another shield soldier.
"How about Lu Wu? I told you we’d have a good show, right?" Zhao Bohao patted his leg and Lu Wu said.
"Ow!" Lu Wu answered Zhao Bohao with satisfaction.
"Bro, get ready for a while. It depends on you. crack day has to teach him a lesson. After all, it’s all about China’s own guild. If it hurts, it’s cheaper for others." The Chinese enemy suddenly sent a text message to Zhao Bohao.

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