"Boy, brother Xiaotian, your attack is too strong. I don’t believe it without the strength of seven immortals!"

Lu Yun’s heart was pounding again. This attack really made him feel bad. He found a more amazing fact. People like Lu Yun couldn’t help shouting there. When this sentence was exported, others were surprised. One by one, they almost dropped the bar and looked straight at Ji Xiaotian.
It’s too powerful. It’s too powerful. Ji Xiaotian is a second-class fairy who can force Lu Yun to dodge, but also dodge in such a mess. Everyone is shocked. You can imagine that no one can expect that just refining once, Du E then meter Xiaotian suddenly becomes so powerful. Lu Yun’s judgment is to let everyone really confirm such amazing facts.
What a huge change this has been. It’s simply earth-shaking. Everyone is thinking about the great changes in the strength of Ji Xiaotian, and one by one, he is very familiar with the plan, especially Teng Teng. If there is such a good way to plan Xiaotian, he will definitely not be stingy to tell him this way.
Think that you will have such strength, so don’t be so eager in Teng’s heart. Of course, this is the idea in Teng’s heart. Before Xiaotian really confirms it, Teng won’t say these words casually. At the very least, Teng won’t have the cheek to ask for it. He can have a special trust in Ji Xiaotian and believe that Ji Xiaotian will do it.
"Ha-ha, Brother Liu, pay attention and try me again. I really don’t know how many fairy I am. You’d better do your best to pick me up."
Meter Xiaotian mood doubt is also very happy to be admitted by a fairy like Lu Yun, which is tantamount to admitting that the strength of Meter Xiaotian is already a seven-level fairy. I really didn’t expect that my strength would be so high. This is tantamount to the fact that the more eager for strength, the more I hope to judge my strength more accurately.
Therefore, Ji Xiaotian shouted that he didn’t mean to stop immediately, and he continued to stir up there. Another fierce trick prompted him. His whole person was covered with golden light, just like a shining golden god, how terrible it was.
With such a strong body, it won’t be strange for everyone to directly engage in hand-to-hand combat with Lu Yun, but now it doesn’t mean that when you twist your figure, you can easily jump up and take your eyes to Lu Yun. Don’t take a look at this. After looking at it, your face shows a strange smile. Xiaotian almost fell from it on the spot
"If you can’t fall, how can you fall? It’s not too rude to Brother Lu!"
Chapter three hundred and thirty-four Embarrassed
Chapter three hundred and thirty-four Embarrassed
It turns out that Lu Yun, like Ji Xiaotian, has the same golden light cover body as a shining golden god and Ji Xiaotian, which means that both of them are thinking of the same place and trying to face each other with the strongest strength.
Of course, this is what Ji Xiaotian hoped. He didn’t expect Lu Yun to take the same way as himself. He barely controlled his fluctuating mood. When his figure flashed, he quickly urged his immortal strength, golden light, to rush in front of his body and form a golden dragon that was almost substantial and twisted directly to the opposite Lu Yun.
The length of this golden dragon is at least several hundred meters, and when it hovers in the middle, it has a terrifying momentum, not to mention that it has been thrown out with a thousand times of prestige. The golden dragon has not yet arrived in front of Lu Yun, and everyone behind it is like an official fluttering. Everyone knows that Ji Xiaotian’s strength is comparable to Lu Yun at this moment.
The head inside with a big exclamation mark, how to estimate the meter small day strength breakthrough to like officer fluttering the seven fairy is already a miracle, things didn’t expect that he would be almost like Lu Yun, which is equivalent to the level of fairy, how can they not feel surprised and shocked?
Of course, this is only a speculation. It needs further observation. Everyone’s eyes are wide open. No one wants to miss such a wonderful scene. Anyway, it may be worthwhile to see a second-class fairy suddenly grow to a seventh-class fairy.
Everyone hates how they don’t grow two pairs of eyes, so that they can see how powerful Ji Xiaotian really is. For such a thing, there is no way for everyone to change. It is impossible to really grow a pair of eyes one by one, so they have to stare hard. Poor their eyes. The continuous staring like this in the past few days has really reduced everyone’s eyesight.
But what’s the wonderful way? Even if everyone’s eyes are even worse, they are even blind. Everyone should look at the strange shadows in front of them. Besides, people are thinking in this way. Xiaotian and Lu Yun are still so strong that they hit a piece. Well, to be precise, they are almost identical. The golden dragon slammed into a piece.
It’s true that Lu Yun and Ji Xiaotian are almost unwilling to directly collide with each other physically. This is their own confrontation, not their desperate need to measure the strength of each other’s immortal strength, so everyone can think like this, and then everyone will make their own immortal strength substantive.
It’s just an idea for them to do such a thing to the extent of Ji Xiaotian. Although Lu Yun moved a little later than Ji Xiaotian, it was not too late. Soon, he condensed out a golden dragon about the size of Ji Xiaotian. Two golden dragons collided in an uncompromising way, and there was a loud noise, and the shock waves were scattered in circles.
"Let’s go back as far as we can, and don’t be caught by this force."
Meter Xiaotian suddenly shouted a loud voice, so that they were watching it with relish. Everyone was also taken aback, but everyone had experienced the same thing. They took one look at each other and quickly retreated. Although they were quite far away from here, it was quite necessary for them to quickly retreat.
In a moment, so many fairy yuan forces collided with each other, and they were also counted as Xiaotian and Liu Yuan’s substantive forces. This strength theory was such that everyone had to quit before long. It was not long before the horrible impact force followed and everyone felt that they were in the scope of a horrible tornado. The bodies were unable to support themselves, as if they were going to be blown away by these strong winds.
Fortunately, Ji Xiaotian called a voice a few days ago, so that everyone didn’t get caught off guard. Otherwise, the words suddenly encountered such a powerful impact force. Maybe it is dangerous for everyone except the official fluttering to ensure that nothing will happen. This situation is definitely unacceptable for Ji Xiaotian.
The golden dragon is still entangled in it. It is so terrible that two horrible golden dragons are intertwined. Whether people are willing or not, they have to threaten to retreat and then return it. It is said that everyone is a fairy. It is not so good to escape, and the speed is still good. After a while, everyone will retreat for hundreds of meters.
In this way, everyone can still clearly feel the huge impact force there. If it is not too far from the center, maybe everyone will still be affected. I can’t help secretly staggering. My heart is full of shock at the strength of Ji Xiaotian.
By now, everyone can be sure that the strength of Ji Xiaotian is comparable to that of Lu Yun, the top level fairy. How terrible it is, and the abnormal strength key or Ji Xiaotian’s strength speed is terrible. If you go at this speed, don’t say Lu Yun, I’m afraid it’s Xuanwei Star, and it won’t be Ji Xiaotian’s opponent. When you think of this, everyone can’t help but feel hot.
"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful."
Even all the people thought that it was impossible to be in the middle of the fight. Lu Yun didn’t know that he was looking at the opposite meter Xiaotian. His face was full of surprises and expressions. He was more appreciative of meter Xiaotian’s admiration and expectations. He didn’t worry that Xiaotian’s strength would surpass his own. Naturally, he also felt sincerely happy for meter Xiaotian’s current strength to be even with himself.
Lu Yun is very willing to see that the strength of Ji Xiaotian is better than that of Ji Xiaotian. Otherwise, Lu Yun has to bear a lot of thoughts here. Don’t say that the people behind those terrible black guards have always been a thorn in Lu Yun’s heart.
It turns out that Lu Yun is a level fairy, although he is not afraid of each other. But think about Feiyun Castle. So many people rely on themselves to maintain Lu Yun. No matter how strong it is, there are some tired feelings. Now it is different. With the help of Ji Xiaotian, a master at the same level, Lu Yun is equal to being half as relaxed and even more.
Lu Yun believes that if a person is not enough to resist the terrible figure behind the black guard, then add Xiaotian and the official fluttering. This seven-level fairy can increase a lot of help. Lu Yun has a thousand and ten thousand reasons to believe that he is not worried about anything here. Unless the other party wants to have a larger foe with these people, he will no longer think about what can take advantage of Feiyun Castle.
"Brother Lu!"
"Brother Xiaotian!"
If Ji Xiaotian is so clever that he can’t test his own strength, it’s almost the same now, and he doesn’t really want to spell out a life and death with Lu Yun. He and Lu Yun looked at each other and laughed and called each other, and they fell to the ground.
At the same time, two horrible golden dragons disappeared with them, just as they appeared, and it was also a rapid anomaly.
"Brother Xiaotian, congratulations!"
Even Lu Yun, who doesn’t talk and laugh so much on weekdays, laughs so much with Ji Xiaotian, not to mention that he is incredibly lively and the official is fluttering. He rushed straight to Ji Xiaotian here in front of everyone, grabbed Ji Xiaotian’s shoulder and looked at it at a glance. It seems that it is a one-time thing to see Ji Xiaotian directly before he is willing to give up.
"Don’t look at brother Guan. If you look again, I don’t know where to go."
Officer fluttering strange expression moving together in a piece, even if it is a small day, such a thick-skinned person can’t bear it. He kept dodging there, but the officer fluttering continued to chase and watch there until the end of the day. There is no way to simply say that the officer fluttering is awake, that is, the officer fluttering just stopped for a while.
"look? I also want to have a good touch. Who knows what material you are made of and how you can raise your strength so quickly? This is incredible. It is simply a miracle. "
Officer Piao Piao doesn’t really like this. He smiled and smiled. It’s really in the plan. A burst of goose bumps surged on the skin of the plan. So he didn’t know what to say. He tried to maintain a little smile here. He looked pale and stared at the officer Piao Piao to see what the officer Piao Piao wanted to do with himself.
Ji Xiaotian really doesn’t believe that Guan Piao Piao will be able to wear himself. Here is a big living person. There are so many people watching Guan Piao Piao’s theory. If you don’t touch it too much, touch it anyway, and you won’t lose a piece of meat. Ji Xiaotian comforted himself like this, and his nervous mind gradually relaxed and became more and more relaxed

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